The Tiger at the Top

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Hello, if you're still following this story, I gotta say hats off to you cause I got no sense of pacing.

And thank you for reading.

Preciate it bruv.


The fresh, almost bitter scent of a hot early black coffee was a fragrance Samuel needed each morning to start off his day perfectly, much like the most of us. However, that 'attachment' his nostrils had developed for the roasted coffee beans has grown into another form those past few days; he didn't want to intake the drink that much, instead he replaced that routine to sniffing his short lover's hair. Yeah, that's pretty weird, but once again, that aroma was the only thing that brought warmth to his life now.

So, obviously, waking up alone with no explanation after being stuck to the same person for a little more than 72 hours will result in a salty mood. He almost wanted to start an argument, or even keep his disappointment to himself and let his brain reminisce about how this bond was a bad decision, but he couldn't bring himself to.

It is Cameron, after all.

He sighed, gulping down his coffee before heading inside the shower. The reassuring side of this 'abandonment', is that he was still in Cameron's flat: at least it proved that no matter his coldness, he still trusted the brunette.

There was no guarantee that he would be coming back though.

As the hot water trailed down his back, he closed his eyes, trying to make out the situation that he was about to face and whether it was a huge problem or not.

How can you still cause problems while being dead?

"How come you're alone?", Olivia, opened her door to greet our protagonist, her toddler hanging from her side with a toy robot in his arm.

"Hello, Nate," Samuel grinned at Nathaniel, ruffling his hair at the lack of interest the child showed for him, "Do you want to see Cameron?"

The toddler's head perked up, his honey-coloured eyes shifting behind Samuel as he searched for one of his favorite humans.

"You got this from your mother, huh? Using me for my boyfriend?", he frowned, his facial expression changing in the blink of an eye, monotone when he inquired, "I'm about to find this 'solution', do you have any more information?"

"I'm afraid not," Olivia blinked, "But what's your plan anyway? You have a trail?", she bombarded with questions, blinking impatiently when Samuel didn't provide any answers whatsoever.

"I'll fill you in later," Sam took out his phone, checking the time to be astonished by a clock pointing at nine, "Shit," he bit his tongue, shooting his head up to look at the confused mother and still unbothered son, "I meant shoot," Olivia chuckled when she understood the situation, "I'm running late," the hitman sighed, "With the stuff I did a couple of days ago, I can't afford to be late, my boss is going to kill me," he waved in a hurry, jogging to his motorcycle, "I'll see you later Olive, and take care Nate," he squinted his eyes when the toddler refused to look at him, "Don't forget I'm your uncle too."

With the door slowly closing, the duo disappearing inside, he hopped on the vehicle, securing his helmet before turning on his keys, ears vibrating with the start of the engine, a sound he almost forgot. Using all the force in his right leg, he pressed the pedal, triggering the handle to heat up the mechanism, before finally beginning his journey - Queenie had no right to fail him.

He didn't pay attention to his speed limit, as always, letting the cold air hit him straight in the face as he manoeuvred his way to his boss's house. His leather jacket moved back with the wind, hoodie tightening on his body like his jeans at the pressure of his velocity. He could almost feel a sweat in his leather gloves but he knew it was just his brain messing with him. The empty roads of a not-so-early morning gave him a sense of superiority like he was the only one left on earth.

But all this came crushing down when he stood in front of Brian Osborn's door, knocking on the door while shaking his boots on the nylon mat in front of him.

"Wow, you're a few hours early," Brian, a cigarette in his hand, opened the door, stepping aside to let his second in hand inside, "Come in."

"Yeah, yeah," Samuel followed him to his living room, placing his helmet on the coffee table before he took a seat opposite to where his boss was seated, "Ursula isn't here?"

"She went to her parents for a few days, should be back in an hour or two, " he sighed, "Want a drink?"

"No thanks I'd rather we be quick with this one," our protagonist leaned his head on the couch's header.

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you," the shift in Brian's tone made Samuel sit up straight, already sensing a lecture, "May I know why the fuck there was five random ass guys that I needed to interview? They didn't even know who the fuck I was or what our organisation is, just picked up the phone and went, "A certain Thompson gave us this number and said we'd get a job.""

"Well, yeah, I gave them your number," Sam crossed his arms, "Didn't I explain the situation to you?"

"You did, but you should've asked me beforehand," Brian sighed, "What if we were full? Worst, what if they did something else with my number? Went to the police with it?", he leaned forward, "You gave them your fucking surname, Sam, that alone is enough to drag all of us down."

"Yeah, but did they do anything?"

"No," Brian leaned back, "But I must give it to you they are pretty docile," he sucked his nicotine, "But they don't know anything either."

"Concerning the businessman?", Sam exhaled loudly, "Maybe I shouldn't have killed him."

"What's done is done," Brian spoke, "What's your deal anyway? I've never seen you kill without a deal."

"I got a boyfriend now," he rolled his eyes when his boss mimicked choking on his cigarette, "Quit it."

"And who's the-", Brian stopped, looking up to his subordinate, eyes agape, "Vixen?"

I didn't hear that name in a while now.

"Cameron," he smiled sheepishly.

"Whatever swings your boat brother," the boss chuckled, "So I assume I have to put all my efforts into finding out who that guy is now that he's involved with your boyfriend?"

"Yeah," Samuel grinned.

"We'll have time, but," Brian got up, walking to the kitchen, coming back with his phone in hand, "There might be more problems on the way."

"What now?", Samuel whined, "Why does stuff have to happen when I just found love?", he cried out, leaning back in his seat, sprawling his legs open, "Is this punishment from the higher orders? "

"Don't ask me," Brian sat back in his seat, "So apparently, 119 and 77 are going at it."

"They always had a thing against each other, I'm not surprised," Samuel shrugged his shoulder.

Let's have a little revision shall we? Samuel's organisation lies in the West; the Monarch Tigers and Cameron's occupies the East, under the name of Cancerous Foxes. We are affiliated with them because of our two characters so obviously, they're more familiar to us. But it is not to be forgotten than Gator's Gang and Ark Society are also potential competitiors, residing in the South and North respectively.

But why 119 and 77? Those are code names, referring to the first letters of the Organisation's titles. So 119 would be for Ark Society while 77 is for Gator's Gang. And, just for reference, Cancerous Foxes would be 36 while Monarch Tiger's would be 1320.

I feel like a teacher seriously.

Brian laid back in his seat, nodding to Samuel's remarks, "But I heard that this time their territories are on the line, and if we don't move, we're dead as well."


Anyway, I don't know why I'm so complex but have this :

Monarch Tigers - (M = 13) (T = 20) - 1320
Cancerous Foxes - (C =3) (F =6) - 36
Ark Society - (A = 1) (S = 19) - 119
Gator's Gang - (G = 7) - 77

And yes, you can insult me

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