A New Beginning?

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"I'm getting tired of seeing you every week," Samuel snorted, limps spread out on the seat in the café, his sugarless black coffee steaming hot in front of him. His fingers fondled with the back of Cameron's neck as the latter sipped on his macchiato unbothered.

"If you want to be unemployed, feel free to leave," Brian looked up from his papers, shooting a glare at the protagonist before going back to his conversation with Justin.

Completely ignoring his boss's comeback, he seized the copy of documents placed in front of him, holding it in front of himself and Cameron, "So, you told me about the whole Vixen thing," his eyes brimmed the contents of the paper, "How is it going?"

"We already secured the corpse," Justin spoke, "We need to find some scapegoats or something to furnish us with information from 77 and 119," he looked at the men, "Any ideas?"

"The sole fact that we agreed not to interfere with each other puts a stop to any acquaintance that we could have," Brian started, "Apart from those two love birds, I'd argue our men aren't so friendly-friendly with each other," he gestured his head towards the couple, "So scapegoats, or even runways won't be that easy to find."

"Yeah, especially with the policies to kill them after betrayal, or even the identity change after retirement," Samuel pondered, "How about we modify the plan a bit? Like, instead of being caught in the wrong business, make his," he hesistated, "death, seem like a commission?"

"Like a hitman commissioned to off another hitman?", Cameron rectified.

"Exactly," Samuel blinked.

"We thought about that," Justin sighed, "But our reputation would be tarnished, and misunderstanding will definitely follow about our relationship," he paused, "However, there's also another thing that we needed to talk to the both of you, considering that you're both the," he looked for his words, "stars of our organisations."

The surbodinates nodded in unison, impatiently waiting for their announcement.

"In terms of territory, you are at the bottom completely," Brian took the parole, "Since we stand on top followed by 77, we were thinking that maybe, Monarch Tigers and Cancerous Foxes could become one-?"

"Wait," his declaration was interrupted by Samuel, "So we're breaking up the rules of the former leaders-?", his line was in his turn cut off by Cameron.

"But didn't 119 and 77 do that by declaring war?", he pointed out, " And didn't we already create an union?", he breathed, "I'd say those 'rules' are useless now."

"That's exactly why we wanted to merge," Justin disclosed, "It's a bonus for everyone and," he looked up again at the men, "By putting the both of you together, there'll be no shit like one of you being against each other or being paid to do whatever," he finished.

"It's because of us?", Cameron rose his eyebrows.

"Not completely," the boss of 36 reminded, "But yeah."

They didn't want to admit it, but Justin, the non-blood related brother of Cameron and, Brian, the cousin of Samuel, both looked out for their younger subordinate the most. For them, merging their organisations meant keeping both of them safe and together.

"So it is a yes or no?", Brian inquired.

"I see no inconvenience," Cameron spoke, "But what happens if one day we decide to break up-"

"And what about him?", Justin pointed at Samuel, referring to his lack of response, which surprisingly, didn't faze him.

"He'll just follow whatever I say," he shrugged his shoulder, Sam nodding behind.

"You really turned him into a dog," Brian chuckled.

"The thing we said about the two new stars," Cameron started again, "We're preceeding with it?"

"Yeah," Justin replied, "We can discuss the code names later, for now just think about the advertisement or whatever you psychos plan on making your stamp."

"Oh, and before I forget," Brian started, "We have intel on that wanna-be detective."

"Detective?", our two main characters glanced at each other.

"Field's client," he proceeded, "Whatever interest he has towards Vixen will be gone the moment his death is announced," he paused, "He was the one who was charged with interviewing the people suspected of being Vixen, ever saw him on TV?"

"Yeah yeah," Samuel nodded, "I've heard of that guy before, gave me the creeps first time I heard him," he pondered, "And you," he looked down at Cameron who glanced up at him, "You attract way too much attention you know that?"

"Hopefully that'll stop," Justin sighed, knowing that wouldn't be possible.

They ordered a second round of beverage and snacks as their morning ended with them keeping a continuos conversation about how they should execute their plan. Subsequently, Samuel and Cameron decided to create their mark on the spot - A simple T because of their family names starting with the same letter.

It might come off as a confusion as to why they're fixated on leaving a mark behind, so let the narrator elaborate.

How do the police, authorities and public know about them despite their well executed animosity? Letters, notes, subtle emails, voice messages were the first 'clues' that the organisation furnished to the authorities.

Let's take Monarch Tigers for our example; Their group gained popularity after a police informant shared photographs of a murder case to his colleagues, which were the doing of hitmen. With words like "witnesses", "clients" or simply, "sources", rumors began to circulate about the agency, and with speculations about illegal websites employing and furnishing services for hits, those "rumors" turned into reliable information, that were then addressed to the public, boosting their name.

And their preoccupation on leaving a scar behind? It's to claim bodies - To let everyone know that they were the one behind it, not a killer, not any other organisation, solely them - that business was open to everyone.

But obviously there are going to be some cases where evidence should be eradicated, like cases of "suicide" or "accidents". It would be stupid to mark those now, wouldn't it?

"But can we do all that in one week?", Cameron's eyes shifted around the place, limbs starting to go numb as his neck ached at his crooked and sloping position, "Watched the weather report?"

"I think it's plausible," Justin answered, "I know you're already thinking ahead, right?", he chuckled, "About the snow and the decline of commission following it," he glanced at Brian, "I'll miss Vixen."

"No, you won't," Vixen declined, the members of 1320 staring at them, "Please let's forget about him already."

"You're just throwing that title away like it's nothing," Samuel cleared his throat, his body sending signals that he needed some tobacco in his system, "I've been in the hitman field for longer than I can remember and still haven't made a name for myself."

Brian chuckled at the misery his cousin complained about,

"Well that's about to change soon."

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