He's the special one

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"You couldn't possibly have known," Brian shook his head. "Her client is dead too. It's a win-win and lose-lose situation."

"I do not care about that. What I want to know is how she got Annie to follow her so easily," Samuel took a sip of his beer. He was laying on his boss's couch, his tie thrown somewhere in the room, just like his shoes. His suit was all crumbled and his hair was falling down on his face, the hair gel not being able to hold it back any longer.

"Maybe she pretended to be other woman? The one who's pregnant?", Ursula laid back in her seat.

"I'm more concerned on whether the police will connect the cases. Both were killed in restrooms, there is no evidence on either side, and they both had a past together," Zach spoke.

"Seems like both of you share the same taste," Judy wriggled her eyebrows at Samuel.

"Anyways. Shouldn't you be going home? You barged in our game night just like that," Brian expressed his impatience.

After the murder, Samuel tried to look around for Vixen but she was already gone. He went to his boss's house, using his motorcycle that was parked not far from the mansion, and explained everything despite the fact that it was past midnight.

The main character sighed. "Everyone just pushes me out of their house," he dramatically got up. "The world is just a cruel place for someone like me."

"Whose place did you go to? You literally have no friends," Zach rolled his eyes at the protagonist.

"Number one: I have friends. Number 2: It's none of your business," the man recognized another person through his own words.

"New commission. I'll give you more information in the morning," were the words Brian said before Sam left the building.

The moment his head hit the pillow, he drifted into a deep slumber. He woke up to the chirping of birds accompanied by the fragrance of apple pie. Slowly opening his eyes, he glanced around.

The room was a total mess.

"Good god. Looks like someone had a fight here," he mumbled, immediately heading for a hot shower to cool off his head from the slight headache.

Before heading out, he checked out his outfit. A dark blue varsity jacket on a plain black shirt with some dark trousers and a pair of sneakers, making him look a bit younger.

While he descended the stairs, he came across Priscilla and Cameron talking in front of the woman's door.

"Yo loser. What's up, tiny man afraid of spiders?", Samuel smirked.

Priscilla's eyes shuffled between the two men.

"Good morning man who is equally afraid of spiders," Cameron smiled.

"I don't know what happened but I'm glad you got the kid talking," the woman nudged Samuel.

"What's that?" the man pointed at the container Priscilla was holding in her hands.

"Cookies from our new neighbor here," she answered.

"I got some for you too don't worry," Cameron handed another box to the main character, before scurrying away, taking the stairs down.

"Is it just me, or are his departures always so hasty?" Samuel remarked, looking down at the bowl.

"They sure are," Priscilla chuckled biting one of her cookies, "Man's got some baking skills."

"I doubt that," Samuel rolled his eyes.

Karma was quick to act on him as he opened the container only to discover the burnt cookies that were the victims of the negligence on Cameron's side.

"I guess you're the favorite huh?" the woman held herself from laughing at the misery of the man.

"Very funny," he replied, scrunching his face.

He noticed a little piece of paper on top of the failures. It said :

The reason why I gave you those is...

He sighed, turning the paper around.

None of your business.

"This man," he smiled despite the embarrassment he felt. There was something strangely intriguing about the other man, "I will get my revenge."

"You do that. But first, come collect your uniform tomorrow morning. I'm taking you, and the kid, to the club on Monday," Priscilla nodded.

After placing the cookies on his kitchen counter, Samuel went on his way to receive new information on his mission, riding his motorcycle to his boss's place.

"Mr. Miguel Chase placed a big order for you. So you'll need a partner for this one," Brian nodded. "I'll explain the targets first."

Samuel and his boss sat around his coffee table, immediately getting into business.

"Ted Ramirez, Liam Murillo, Vicky Briggs, Jeffery Rudd," Brian paused. "I suppose you know now why you can't go alone."

"They know how to fight?"

"Former boxers and weightlifters," Brian sighed. "According to Mr. Chase, those four have information that could ruin his career and eventually lead to his boxing club and arena closing down."

"What type of information?"

"Corrupted matches, prostitution, drugs," his boss related. "This will be a difficult one since the men are already contemplating that someone will be sent after their lives."

He placed four files in front of Samuel. The men more or less looked alike; tattoos, bald heads, fierce looks, and ridiculously ripped bodies.

"Justin and I talked over what happened and we agreed that-" Brian was cut off by the other man.


"Justin Russo," Brian clarified, "The leader of CF."

"I thought he didn't like to talk-" Samuel nearly choked on his words. "Wait. Does that mean?", he waited for confirmation from the man in front of him.

"Yes, Sam it's exactly what you're thinking," Brian chuckled.

"You'll be working with Vixen on your next mission."

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