Another Kitchen Incident

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30k reads my lovelies THANKS.

Also, just a quick message, I know I always leave a message to the people adding the book to their reading lists, but frankly, there's too much with no breaks in between, so I'll have to stop with that :')

I just hope that each one of all of you know how grateful I am for all types of interactivity you offer me <3


"So all this time, it was an attempt to kill you?", Samuel's eyes were focused on the road ahead, yet his ears were fully dedicated to listening to the explanations his boyfriend leisurely narrated behind him.

Grasping for dear life because of his random speeding, Cameron leaned his head on Sam's back, nodding, "Yeah, I wonder why I couldn't figure this out faster," he signed, "But it still fazes me how a scapegoat from your side could get information from my side," he revealed.

Realistically speaking, it was obvious that a gas doesn't coincidentally explode at the same exact moment two renowned hitmen were about to enter the same building. Although it perplexed their minds into how easily they ignored that major coincidence, it was quite a relief to finally come to a conclusion.

"Whatever," Samuel hummed, "The traitors got their end of the deal anyway so let's keep what's in the past, in th-"

The black haired man interrupted him, "And what's their end of the deal?", he questioned, quoting the same words.

"Death," Sam chuckled, preparing to take a rough left, he instructed, "Hold on tight," to which his beloved did, feeling his heart skip a beat at the change of pace and tilt, "Should we cook a three-course meal today?", he resumed his normal conversation.

"Cook?", Cameron shook his head, rectifying himself by whispering, "Yeah, restaurants are closed," he pondered for a while, relieved to notice they were getting closer to their destination, "And what will that meal be?"

"We'll have to see what ingredients I have in my kitchen, because, I'm guessing you don't have much since you feed on fruits," the brunette chuckled at the amiable punch he received.

"Shut up," despite resenting the statement he received, Cameron knew the guy was right, well to some extent, since even if he doesn't really consume balanced meals, his cooking skills are still considerably better than Sam's.

"How about a spicy chicken salad, then we can do something with the lamb rump and," Cameron paused, kneeling in front of Samuel's fridge with ingredients scattered around him, "Maybe we can whip off a strawberry milkshake for dessert?"

Samuel, sprawled out on the couch from the living room, remained astonished by the prepositions of his lover, "You're taking this a little bit more seriously than I thought," he chuckled, slowly getting up to join Cam, "But I don't have any strawberries."

"I do," Cameron stood up, suddenly throwing something to the other man, the latter analysing it to conclude it was just his keys, "Go get them, they're completely at the bottom of the refrigerator, in the vegetables' compartment," he eyed him, "Do not touch anything else."


"Just don't"

"You think I'm a thief?", Samuel sniffled.

"No," Cameron let out a chortle, searching for a chopping board for the not so fresh coriander and parsley in his hands, "I do know you're a pervert though."

The protagonist strolled the empty rooms of his boyfriend, glancing here and there, knowing the place like the back of his hand, despite the short period of his presence there. His eyes landed on files that rested on the fridge, seizing it while his other hand carried the tray of red berries. He shuffled through the pages, skimming over pictures of different corpses, with the repeated motif of the now 'deceased' Vixen, "Shit," he whispered. This whole ordeal of stamping was new to him yet, for some reason, he felt confident about this new advertising tactic.

"Took you long enough," Cameron snorted, chopping coriander while the sizzling chicken cooked on medium heat, a fragrant paprika scent arising in the kitchen, enveloping the characters in a heat they swiftly ignored, "Can you take out a pan for the lamb?"

Samuel placed the strawberries on a counter, frantically looking in his buffets for a pan; he had no idea where he last left it.

"There you are," he hummed, taking out a large pan, nearly bumping his head in the roof of the surface while he got up, hearing a subtle chuckle coming from behind him.

"You're cute sometimes," Cameron announced, stirring the nearly done poultry, while all the ruckus happened behind him.

"You're cute everytime," Samuel hugged him from behind, kissing the back of his head, receiving a grunt from the man.

"You're also extremely embarrassing," the shorter man announced, elbowing his lover to escape his grasp and turn off the stove.

"Yeah but we got used to that, didn't we?"


Also, Author's Notes aren't something I use a lot but bare with me,
I've noticed that a lot of readers are invisible :')

Just a simple reminder that the comment section is a great means to let me improve and for all of you to communicate (between yourselves and with me too of course), and that the little star is my to-go motivation button (helps with algorithm too), so it'd be a blast if y'all could interact with them.

Not an obligation though, a writer is nothing without readers, but you know, boosting these features up is a plus :)

And as I've always repeated, thank you.

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