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"I said," Cameron inhaled, trying to hold in his annoyance, "Get your nasty hands off of me," he squirmed while Samuel squeezed his grip around his waist, as they stayed laying in bed. "Come on, it's nearly dusk and I have to get ready, or else I'll be late."


Samuel's eyes remained shut and like a dog reluctant to let its owner go to work, he refused to let go, hugging the other man tighter each passing second, "Your side chick can wait."

"Olivia is not," Cameron emphasized on the 'not', "my side chick."

Sam's eyes jolted open, his pupils roaming disturbingly as they remained wide, "Olivia?", he let his doubts and insecurity wander off to the back of his mind, "Does she know about Matt?"

"She's the client," Cameron sighed, "Sad what life can do to good people."

Olivia sat in her hired hitman's living room, scrolling blankly on her phone while she waited patiently for the man. They were supposed to discuss the method of slaughter and the funeral plans for Matt, but she had a sudden change of heart the previous night.

"So, Olive," Cameron walked into the room, halfway through putting a pullover on, his nose runny, while his red orbits, slowly returned to their normal off-white color. "Thank you for yesterday."

"My pleasure," she smiled, "I reckon it's good between you guys?", her grin turned mischievous, "So...", she hummed, "You guys fucked yet-"

"Why are you so jolly today? And no we didn't," Cameron furrowed his eyebrows, sitting at the other end of the couch.

His living room was minimalistic; a camel-colored three-seat couch, with a pair of the same colored sofas placed at both ends of the furniture, while an oval glassed coffee table was placed in the middle. The television was set in the wall, some empty shelves nailed on either side of the room.

"I'm content just knowing other couples are happy since I couldn't achieve that comfort," she smiled sadly looking at her palms.

"We're not a couple yet," was what Cameron wanted to say, but refrained from speaking any further.

"That's why I've decided that I won't kill him," Olivia grinned innocently, "Maybe I can knock some sense into him with a few words?"

"Absolutely not. Are you insane? You really think he'll listen to you?" Cameron scoffed, "After all that shit you've been through, you're still willing to forgive him?"

"Maybe he needs help," the woman sighed, "Look, I love him and I'll do anything I can for us to have a happy ending together," she stared into Cameron's eyes, looking for any comprehension he could have.

"Olive, it stated in the contract that the first task was a warning while the second one was an elimination-"

"Correct. But it also said that any sort of plan could be modified by the client before the task assigned has even begun," she kept a serious face on, "Right now you're not in the position to object or to advise me. You are working for me, and orders shouldn't be questioned, let alone denied."

The hitman's mouth remained agape, before he cleared his throat defeatedly, "Sorry. You're right. It won't happen again."

Olivia exhaled while slightly shaking her head, "Thanks for looking out for me but I'll be fine," she smiled reassuringly.

"So you're canceling the task?", Cameron inquired, unlocking his phone to notify Justin about the possible changes, when he realized his home screen background was changed to a picture of Samuel grinning like the happiest man on earth while Cameron rested just beside him.

He chuckled, noticing yet another change in the device. Scrolling through his contacts, he stumbled across a new one, called :

Handsome <3

His smile slowly faded into a frown when he thought about how Samuel could have possibly unlocked the phone.

Cameron didn't have his fingerprints registered and his password was his already deceased cat's name, which, he is pretty certain, Sam would have no idea about.

He exhaled, concluding to ignore the irrelevant matter and focus on pressing ones.

After sending the cancel code to Justin, the hitman was once hit with another crazy suggestion from the woman in front of him, "So here's the plan," she paused finalizing the final details mentally, "Tomorrow, like the original plan we break into Matthew's flat-", she was interrupted.

"We?", Cameron rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you. What, you think you'll be able to convince him alone?", the woman rose a finger in the air to pause the visible confusion building itself on Sam's face. "Listen carefully, we'll go there together and keep him hostage while I knock some sense into him."

"I've said this before, but are you out of your god damn mind?" Cameron dramatically widened his eyes and exaggerated his hand gestures before calming himself down, "And it's not like Justin will accept this either."

"That's the thing," her face suddenly brightened up, "You don't need his consent."

Cameron gestured his head for her to continue.

"I was hoping you would come with me, and help me resolve this matter, but not as a hitman," she averted her gaze and fiddled with her fingers.

The hitman stared at her, creating possible scenarios in his mind, and, with the negative endings overlapping the number of positive ones, he sighed, nodding his head while he unconsciously stepped in a death zone with Olivia Hudson.


And here I was hoping for this son of a bitch to die.

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