Prologue Part 1

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You felt trapped and you were scared. You turned your head and all you saw was pitch blackness and you didn't hear a sound and you couldn't remember anything. You felt something like a door and you pushed with all your strength and fell on the ground hitting your head hard.  You opened your eyes and you saw that you were in a classroom you looked up and saw a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes wearing a school uniform and a boy wearing a hat staring at you.
"Hey are you okay?" The girl asked.
"Umm where am I?" You asked avoiding the question.
"Well it um looks like a classroom do you remember it?" The boy asked.
"No not at all." You responded.  The boy walked up to you and extended his hand you accepted it and stood up.
"What's your name?" The girl asked.
"Y/N L/N... I think." You said with a small laugh.

"I know it's hard to remember anything. I'm Kaede Akamatsu and this is Shuichi  Saihara." The girl introduced.  "You two aren't the only two who's confused right now I am too."
"Ah sorry." Shuichi apologized.
You started to look around and tried to think about anything that you could remember even if it was just a small memory. 
"I was kidnapped too!" You and Kaede announced at the same time. 
"I was walking home and someone shoved me into a car I called for help but no one came to help. We live in such a rotten world people can be kidnapped and no one will help and suddenly I just fell asleep." You stated shaking your head. "And I woke up in that locker."
"Same with me so were we kidnapped by the same people?" Shuichi asked.
"I just find it all strange.  Why  would they kidnap us and place us in a school?" You pondered.
"That's what I'm wondering too." Kaede said.
"Well we won't find the answers sitting in this dusty classroom." You stated locking eyes with the two other high school students. "Let's explore."
"You don't think we got caught up in something bad right?" Shuichi asked.
"We must have." You sighed. "Now help me get this door down."

All three of you ran and using all your might you three pushed the door down and then you looked up and you saw what appeared to be a huge mechanical monster.
"Ahh!" You shrieked almost falling over again from fear but Shuchi and Kaede grabbed you just in time.
"Heck Yeah found you!" The monster yelled.
"What?" Kaede asked confused.
"A m-monster!" Shuichi yelled.
"Gah hahahahaa woooo hahahaha!" The monster laughed.
"We need to move!" You yelled.
"Right behind you!" Shuichi yelled.
"Wait!" The monster shrieked as you three began to run as fast as you could not wanting to be anywhere near that monster. It felt like you were in a horror movie everywhere you went there was another monster chasing after you. You dove to the door and you saw other high school students you began to look at each one of them confused as to why you were here with them.
"Oh more people have arrived." A girl said.
"Did you all get chased by that monster too?" A guy asked.
"O-oh yeah." Kaede said.
"What are they? What do they want with us?" Someone asked.

"Do you want me to check on what's happening?" Another asked.
"You can't! It's too dangerous out there!" A girl yelled.
"It's likely that monster still lurks nearby." A guy said.
"Who even are you guys? Why am I here?" Kaede asked.
"And that makes 17." Someone said.
"What?" You asked. 
"I'm talking about us there are 17 of us all high schoolers." The person responded. "What do you think that means?"
You didn't know you were stumped there were so many questions  that you had that weren't answered.
"Oh right didn't answer your question." A guy with green hair and matching eyes spoke. "My name is Rantaro Amami let's leave it at that."
"There could be more people coming." You stated.
"Nah I think this is all of us if this is what I think it is anyway." Rantaro replied.
"What do you think it is?" You asked.
"What  you some kinda freaking know it all? If  you know something spit it out!" A girl with long blonde hair yelled.

"Okayyyy quiet everyone! Shimmy down shimmy down!" An unknown voice echoed throughout the room. You looked around trying to find who said that.
"No no it's simmer down." A voice corrected.
"Huh who's that? Where are they?" A girl with blue hair and glasses asked.
You then saw the monsters surround all of you guys and you were petrified.
"Hahahaha thanks for bearing with us!" The monsters yelled in unison.
"The m-monsters!" You shrieked.
"We're surrounded!" A guy with gel spiked purple hair and warm lilac eyes with a goatee yelled.
"These aren't monsters but exisals!" One of the exisal spoke.
"They're highly mobile bipedal weapons platforms!" Another explained.
"Man I-I don't care! I just want an explanation on why I'm here!" You yelled trying to not show  any fear.

"Weapons?!" Shuichi yelled.
"Should we take these for a spin by killing one of them?" An Exisal asked.
"Wait a minute!" A girl shrieked.
"How about no." You suggested.
"Wait we can't kill them with the exisals." An exisal spoke. "According to the schedule the exisals aren't suppose to show up till later."
"What schedule?" You questioned.
"I told ya we should of read the script!" An exisal yelled.
"No ya didn't." Another said.
  Suddenly five bears came out of the exisals and called themselves the monokubs.
"Huh?" Kaede asked.
"Now I'm even more confused." You sighed.

"Actually don't their clothes seem kinda boring too?" Monotaro asked.
"Wait a minute ya think maybe they haven't been given their first memory yet?" Monosuke asked.
"Huh that shoulda happened before they woke up..." Monotaro stated.
"If you guys are the Monokubs then-" Kaede began.

"Hey who are you punks?!" Monokid yelled.
"What do you mean?" A girl with sandy blonde hair with a green tint and long bangs that covers her left eye asked.
"We're just wondering so youse guys have ultimate talents or anything like that?" Monosuke asked.
"Ultimate talents?" You pondered. "I don't think I have one I have skills but I don't know if I would call it a talent."
"I knew it! They haven't gotten their first memory yet!" Monokid exclaimed.
"Youse all forgotten  your talents and become generic high school students." Monosuke said.
"Forgotten?" Kaede asked.
"See according to the backstory there's this ultimate hunt goin'on." Monotaro began.
"You've all lost your memories and become different people because of the Ultimate Hunt."
"What are you talking about?" You asked confused.

"Well in your current state it's pointless to talk to you guys like this." Monosuke said.
"The first thing we need you guys to do is remember your true selves." Monotaro said.
"Yeah! You need to reclaim your sealed talents by regaining your memories!" Monophanie squealed.
"I don't get it what are these sealed talents you're talking about?" A boy who was a tad short with purple hairs and moderately long wavy blackish purple hair.
"I'm curious to know too." You said crossing your arms.

You then saw clothes being thrown around and you got a red skirt with a design mimicking a rose's thorn black knee high socks with red flats matching the skirt a crisp sage green collared blouse with a white coat over it mimicking a scientist lab coat with the school logo on the front of the lab coat. You also noticed a red rose in your H/L H/C hair.
"What am I wearing?" You asked.
"Now you look like ultimates!" Monophanie happily said.
"Ultimates really?" Shuichi asked.
"Get ready because once you guys remember your talents the killing game will begin!" Monokid yelled excited.
"Wait did he just say killing game!?" You exclaimed in shock. Before anyone could respond a bright light came and you suddenly began to remember what your ultimate talent is and you finally got your memory back.
You are the ultimate botanist.

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