Chapter 42: Virtual World

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In an instant you were in a virtual world looking around at everyone and everything.
"Wow the graphics are disappointing." You sighed.
"Ooooohhh so this is the Virtual World I see I see." Kokichi said pleased. "And this is my avatar. Mm hm mm hm I get it now." Kokichi then smacked K1-B0.
"Ouch that hurt!" K1-B0 yelled.
"So you felt pain interesting." Kokichi said testing everything out.
"Oh well now that you mention it I felt genuine pain just now." K1-B0 stated.
"That's pretty impressive. If you felt pain then that means our senses are connected." Kokichi stated.
"Our senses are connected?" Maki asked.
"This is so weird." You said looking at everything.
"This place is so great! I come here all the time. It's way better than the real world!" Miu excitedly exclaimed.
"What the heck are you talking about you fraud!?" Himiko yelled angrily.
"This is totally different from what you said. Plus this avatar has disappointing graphics." Tsumugi complained.
"Y-your looks are nothing to write home about. Trust me you look a billion times better now." Miu insulted.

"What!?" Himiko yelled.
"Anyway what do you mean our senses are connected I need an explanation." Maki said.
When your avatar receives any sensory input electrical signals are sent to your brain. Your brain interprets those signals as if it experienced that sensory input for real." Miu explained.
"So even if we're not really being punched the brain senses pain cuz of those signals." Kaito said.
"And since it won't leave any bruises you can hit all you want!" Kokichi grinned.
"That's a bully's twisted logic." K1-B0 sadly said.
"So how are we going to find the secret?" You asked.
"Still thinking about that secret Y/N? You must really want to know." Kokichi said.
"Of course I do! I'm curious it's like whenever I  discover a new plant curious." You explained.
"Well we need to learn more about this world. Is there a map available?" K1-B0 asked.
"Yeah I've got a nap but first I gotta give you a quick warning about  this world. Objects are in breakable. In the virtual world there are no rules that govern whether objects can break. So any object no matter what it is can never be broken." Miu elaborated. "Everyone's avatar in this world has the same averaged physical strength."

"So there's no differences in our strength interesting." You said.
"What?! Gonta weaker!?" Gonta sadly said. "N-no! If Gonta not strong Gonta no can protect everyone!" Gonta yelled.
"Are  those the only things different about this world Miu?" Shuichi asked.
"Yeah that's everything." Miu answered.
"By the way how do we log out from this world?" Kokichi asked.
"If you ever wanna log out you just need to use that phone over there." Miu said. "Just pick it up and say your name."
"I'm going to assume that the phone can't be moved then?" You clarified.
"Yep you need to use this room to login and logout." Miu answered.
"You guys better not cheer by logging out alone! We have to find the secret of the outside world!" Kokichi yelled.
"Yeah we got it. So where's the map?" Kaito asked.
"The map is posted on the wall outside of this room. Follow me." Miu commanded.

Everyone followed her and you looked and saw the map. 
"Look there's the map I prepared for you guys." Miu said. "Study it and you'll know the Virtual World like Tsumugi knows the back of her neck!"
"Huh? What about the back of my neck? How did you know that spot's...sensitive." Tsumugi asked with a worried expression.
"O-Okay I see the back of your neck huh?" Kaito asked.
"Why are you so interested in that? You're gross." Maki said her eyes looked like they were filled with sadness. 
  "Kaito you nasty I always knew you were!" Kokichi teased.
"Wh-what are you saying!? You know I'm not a sneaky guy like that!" Kaito yelled angrily.
"So you're openly gross then?" You teased.
"Sh-shut it!" Kaito yelled.
"Careful Y/N he might look at you next." Miu warned.
"That won't happen! Don't even try Kaito!" Kokichi angrily shouted.
      You examined the map and noticed that there were two maps. You being to memorize the layout of everything and everyone else began to look and comment on the map.
  "Well now it's time to find the secret!" You excitedly spoke.

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