Chapter 31: Seance

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You were quiet you didn't know what to say because each step you took your heart began to pound even harder. You didn't know what was going to happen you were worried because everything was out of your control. You looked over and saw Kokichi who had a very concerned look on his face.
"You're so pale Y/N are you okay?" Kokichi asked worried.
"Y-y-yeah I'm fine." You lied trying to cover up your stutter.

"You're a horrible liar Y/N." Kokichi said and gripped your hand and kissed it. "Don't be scared Y/N I promise I'll protect you I won't let someone even attempt anything."
You looked at him a little more relaxed and you breathed in deeply and you smiled. "Thanks Kokichi for being by my side through thick and thin I promise to always be by your side and nothing will ever change that." You declared gripping his hand.
"I know Y/N." Kokichi smiled.
"Ahem not to ruin the mood between two lovers but we need to prepare for the seance." Korekiyo interrupted.

"Sorry." You and Kokichi both apologized and stopped holding hands. Korekiyo looked strangely at you two and then looked away. You turned to Kokichi who had a confused look.
"Did we upset him?" Kokichi asked.
"Im not sure but let's just get this seance done and over with." You muttered and you began to get back to setting up the room for the seance.  Time was dwindling and it was getting closer and closer to the seance. You were starting to feel nervous again but you looked over at Kokichi and you tried to relax.

You finished making the magic circle with salt and you did some last minute touches and then it was done.
"It looks like we are almost finished with the preparations." Korekiyo commented.
"Do you think this can work?" You asked.
"Well the only way to know for sure is if you see it for your own eyes so just wait and find out." Kokichi smirked.
You saw Shuichi peering inside the room as if he was observing what was going to happen. But then he left with Maki probably because the seance already has enough people. 
"I want to start the seance as soon as possible." Himiko pouted.
   Korekiyo explained some rules and you got a really creepy feeling. A feeling as if something bad was going to happen. But it was too late because the seance was going to begin.  You had the lyrics and melody memorized and you were ready although a bit scared.
"Yaaay! We finally get to see Angie!" Kokichi excitedly exclaimed.
"Before that let's choose a spiritual medium it would work best with a girl." Korekiyo said.
"Then I'll do it." Himiko volunteered. "I can't think of anyone but me they Angie's spirit should go in."
"No I'll do it because if you're the spirit medium you won't be able to talk to Angie." Tenko said.
"Nyeh?" Himiko asked.
"You wanna talk to Angie right? Then I'll be the spirit medium that way you can say goodbye to her." Tenko smiled. "And after you've finished saying your goodbyes keep your chin up and live life facing forward! Survive with me and everyone else! Please."
Himiko looked down sadly not knowing what to say.
"Also Himiko let me say this one thing expressing your feelings is perfectly natural. You shouldn't feel ashamed at all. So if you feel like crying while talking to Angie go ahead and cry your eyes out. You'll feel better when you do." Tenko said tears streaming down her face. "Well I mean laughing makes you feel better too and venting your anger onto something can really cheer you up! Train your heart by crying, laughing and venting your anger Himiko."
   "I think you've trained too much." Himiko said.

"Hahaha you're probably right." Tenko laughed.  It looked like the two made up and got over Tenko betraying the student council.
"So now that we've decided on a spiritual medium let us begin." Korekiyo instructed. "Now I would like the spirit medium Tenko to sit within the center circle. Please be sure to walk on the path so as not to disturb the magic circle."
"Mm-hm make sure you watch your step since it's dark in here." Tenko said.
"Next you must be as a turtle within that circle please rest your forehead upon this stone marker I've placed here." Korekiyo said.
"It's just a stone I brought from the courtyard are you sure it'll work?" Himiko asked.
"Certainly it is merely needed as a marker for her forehead to rest upon." Korekiyo replied.
   Tenko did as instructed and next you had to place an iron cage over  Tenko and you and Kokichi did that task making sure to not ruin the magic circle.

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