Chapter 32: Double Murder Investigation

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  You were determined to crack the code you knew you had to do it but since you were busy with the seance you didn't get a chance to fully investigate Angie but you were given the chance to investigate Tenko so hopefully there would be some clues that could help you. 
You walked up to Miu and since it was so dark you weren't able to properly see.
"I can't investigate properly in here it's too dark. I need candles or something." You complained.
"That won't be necessary!" Miu laughed.
"Huh why?" You asked confused.
"Show em K1-B0! Show em your new power!" Miu ordered and K1-B0 lit up the room.
"Wow." You awed  shocked at what you were witnessing.

"I Miu Iruma the gorgeous girl genius have installed a new function in K1-B0!" Miu proudly declared.
"Just leave it to me! I will become the guiding light that shines on you all." K1-B0 said.
"Mwah hahahhahaha! Shine on shine on! Shine on you crazy Diamond!" Miu cackled like a mad scientist or in her case a mad inventor.
  "Maaaan what a lame function. You should've made him like a transformer or something." Kokichi commented unimpressed.
"But it is brighter so let's just start investigating." You said.
"I agree." Maki said with a sigh.

You looked around the room looking for clues just anything you could use in the investigation and you looked around Tenko and noticed the stone and the iron cage with a blood stain on the bottom of the cage.
"So Tenko was killed inside the cage." Kokichi said looking at the cage.
"I'm pretty sure you're right Tenko did go under the cage." You said.
"Or maybe she was killed the exact moment the cage was lifted." Miu suggested looking at the cage.
"That's a good possibility." You muttered. You looked at Tenko sighed.
"So her injury was fatal most likely an instant death because I didn't hear any scream. But Tenko did say she wouldn't speak so maybe if there was pain she would still keep quiet." You discussed with the two.

"Well maybe it wasn't instant." Miu said.
"Because she was bleeding she really couldn't have moved much." Kokichi added.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"That maybe the wound was too deep so she was too shocked to do anything except for pass away." Kokichi clarified with a smirk.
"How do you know that?" Miu asked moving away from Kokichi.
"I am the ultimate supreme leader of evil." Kokichi smirked in response.
"Moving on we have to figure out what the murder weapon is." You said.
"I don't see anything around." Miu sighed.
"You're right it isn't obvious so it could be a clue." You replied.
"You and Kokichi were there during the seance so what happened?" Miu asked.
"The only strange thing we'll strange for a seance that is is that when we were chanting the Caged Child song there was a loud thunk." You explained.
"And then what?" Miu asked.
"Y/N and I lit the candles again and we removed the items within the circle in the opposite way and when it was finished Tenko was dead." Kokichi explained.
"So Tenko was definitely killed during the seance." Miu said.
"It could have been when that loud sound happened that was when Tenko passed away." You hypothesized.
"You might be on to something Y/N." Kokichi smiled.

"Look at the white cloth." Miu pointed out.
"What about it is so important Miu?" Kokichi asked.
"It's completely opaque and on the back there's a bloodstain right in the middle." Miu explained pointing to the bloodstain.
"Oh...that is pretty important I guess for once you were being useful." Kokichi insulted and Miu glared at him.
"But there's no hole." You said examining the sheet. "So Tenko wasn't stabbed through this cloth."
"Instead she was stabbed underneath the cloth. Wow this is interesting." Kokichi smirked.

You then looked at the dog statue and you figured out with this heavy of a statue Tenko wouldn't of been able to get out and escape. You also noticed the ruined magic circle that you and Kiyo drew in salt it was completely stomped over and ruined.
"The culprit must have been one of you dummies who signed up to do this dumb stuff!" Miu cackled.
"Why would you say that?" Shuichi asked Miu jumping into the conversation.
"It's pretty obvious this was a trap set up to lure her. How could someone who wasn't in the room kill her?" Miu asked.
"To believe that then Tenko must have been killed during the seance." You muttered.
"There's no other possibility!" Miu yelled.
"Yeah she was killed when the candles were out Im certain of that because she spoke before Kokichi and I blew out the candles and she passed after we relit the candles. So now I'm really thinking that the loud sound that was heard was when Tenko passed." You disclosed doing one last look around at the room.

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