Chapter 49: I Got Two Keys 1 For The Ultimate Lab 1 For The Sci-Fi Maze

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As you were searching for a door to unlock you finally found one. You placed one of the keys inside and unlocked it.
"One key down one more to go." You mumbled.
"Just open the door." Maki ordered.
"I don't take orders from you." You rolled your eyes and opened the door and it revealed a spiral staircase that looked pretty long. You also noticed that the key didn't disappear.
"I wondered if it can be used for something else." You muttered and grabbed the key.

You began to go up this spiral staircase for what seemed to be forever and then you saw a door that had stars and a rocket ship design on it.
"Finally it looks like this is my research lab!" Kaito beamed with a wide smile.
"Those stairs were such a pain. There couldn't at least be an elevator or a slide to go back down." Miu complained worn out.
"They made us climb all those stairs just for Kaito's research lab?" Maki asked biting her finger.
"What do you mean just! This is the main stage and it's finally been revealed!" Kaito yelled and you started to laugh.
"I'm being serious Y/N!" Kaito shouted.
"And that's why I'm laughing!" You said trying to stop.
"Anyway let's go inside. There might be something useful in here...probably." Maki thought.
"What do you mean probably!? It's gotta be full of super important stuff!" Kaito yelled.
"I could be inventing there better be something good." Miu stated.

Everyone entered and it was an interesting looking lab to say the least it actually felt like you were inside a spaceship perfect for Kaito's talent as he would be able to practice using the spaceship controls.  You noticed a file about the Gofer project but most of it was blacked out so you and the others decided to go look for the potential flashback light. You looked high and low with Miu until you found the door and then you heard ticking.
"Wh-what the heck?!" Miu yelled.
"Is it going to explode?!" You asked terrified. You looked at Miu and her face was pale and then that sudden realization struck her.
"Get back!" Miu yelled and she grabbed a hold of your arm and yanked you back as the door exploded and revealed an Ultimate Lab.
"Who's this for?" You questioned. You went and tried to open it but the door was locked.
"It's pointless staying around if the door won't open let's just go." Miu said.
"Alright." You said and as you looked back at the strange door you knew exactly where you were going first once Miu made you that master key.
"You still want that item right?" Miu confirmed.
"I do." You answered.
"Are you going to tell me what's it for yet?" Miu asked.
"Miu you know I want to tell you it's have to trust me." You sighed looking away.
"I just don't want to be doing your trial." Miu sighed.
"You won't be just believe in just this once." You smiled and she nodded.

You and Miu walked to the courtyard continuing with the investigation you noticed a strange object with a keyhole and you put the key in and a giant metal door opened.
"Woah." K1-B0 said walking up to you and Miu.
"Come on you two let's check this out." You instructed and they followed you.
"What kind of technology is this?" Miu said in awe.
"It's like a sci-fi movie ugh." K1-B0 frowned.
You looked around examining everything and describing it as a sci-fi maze was the best way to put it. You walked deeper and deeper into the maze and you noticed a shutter protected by an electric barrier.
"That electric barrier. We can't raise the shutter while it's active." K1-B0 commented.
"If they're protecting it this strongly I wonder what's in the shutter." You mumbled.
"Just look at this technology." Miu gushed. "We have to get in there!"
Then K1-B0 ran to approach the shutter and an alarm started to go off.
"Wh-what is this!?" K1-B0 shrieked.
"Get away from there!" You yelled and then Monokuma appeared.

"Oh my! Tsk tsk! Don't you go setting off the alarm now!" Monokuma scolded and turned off the alarm.
"Why is there an alarm system here?" You question raising your eyebrow.
"Puhuhu this place is so important that it needs beefed up security I guess while I'm here I'll also explain that electric barrier. To turn it off you gotta enter a 59 digit code in the control panel next to the shutter. I'll tell you what the code is but only once so make sure you memorize it." Monokuma elaborated and then he started to blurt out the numbers faster than anything you heard before.
"Wait slow down please!" K1-B0 begged.
"How dumb if a robot can't even remember the numbers!" Monokuma yelled. "This is an important place well used to be." Monokuma frowned.
"Used to be?" You questioned.
"Yep it's pointless. So I may as well give you guys the alarm remote." Monokuma said and handed you the remote. You pressed the button and the alarm system turned off.
"So can you repeat the code now?" You asked.
"Really? But since it's your first time visiting I'll let you in myself." Monokuma said and walked up to the control panel and quickly punched in the numbers and the barrier disappeared and then Monokuma left.
"My inner voice is telling me hope moves forward so we should go forward." K1-B0 said.
"Yeah but what is that bear getting out of this!? What's he up to leaving such a highly guarded area?!" Miu yelled.
"We won't know until we enter." You said. "And I thought you wanted to check it out?"
"Well I do." Miu answered. 
  "Well then lets enter you two." You smiled and grabbed both Miu and K1-B0 and the three of you entered.  When you did you walked into a creepy room filled with exisals and a hydraulic press.

"An exisal!?" You gasped.
"All five of them are here! It's too dangerous! Let's run!" K1-B0 yelled.
"They're not moving they're not reacting to us and the lights are off." Miu pointed out.
"Now that you mention're right. I wonder what's going on." K1-B0 said.
"Ah-hahaha! Surprised? This is actually the Exisal hangar!" Monokuma announced appearing again. "This is where I was guarding the precious Exisals so no one would mess with them but it's pointless now."
"Because the Monokubs are gone? So no one can control them anymore right?" You questioned.
"What!? No one can control them anymore!?" Monokuma shrieked.
"Am I wrong?" You asked.
"Oh don't worry about my reaction just now. I thought a somewhat over the top reaction would put you guys on the defensive." Monokuma said.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" K1-B0 yelled.
"Now now! Don't get so worked up! You may be a machine but you're not a demon model!" Monokuma laughed and then disappeared.

You looked and saw a big machine that looked to be a hydraulic press and you shuddered thinking about what could be done.
"I'm getting out of this room this is too creepy for me." You said as shiver went up and down your spine.
"Yeah Im with you girl. This place is disappointing. " Miu agreed and K1-B0 nodded.
The three of you exited the area and after you left you looked at one another.
"So what are we going to do now?" You asked.
"We should head to the dining hall maybe the others found the flashback light." K1-B0 commented.
"That sounds like a better idea than anything else." Miu sighed.
"Then it's settled let's go to the dining hall." You said and the three of you began your way to the dining hall. When you arrived you saw Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki already there.
    "Did anyone find the flashback light?" Kaito asked.
"Negative." You replied.
"We thought that you guys would have found it." K1-B0 said.
"No sadly we didn't." Shuichi frowned.
"Has anyone seen Kokichi?"  Kaito asked. 
"I haven't seen him at all. I wonder where he is but if he wants to be found he will show himself. " You answered and Kaito punched the table.
"What did the table do to you?" You asked.
"Bah who cares about Kokichi anyway I just wanted that flashback light." Kaito grumbled.
"But I don't remember Monokuma  even saying that there was a flashback light to be found. Maybe there isn't one." You thought.
"That's what I was thinking too." Shuichi agreed.

     "Well there's no flashback light so I'm going to my lab see ya later Y/N.  Bye losers." Miu laughed and then walked out.
"She's crazy." Maki sighed.
"I know thinking that I'm a loser! Absolutely ludicrous!" Kaito yelled and Maki gave him a weird look and then sighed.
"I don't think that's what Maki meant." Shuichi stated.
"Miu well she's just authentically her." You shrugged.
"Anyways since there isn't a flashback light Y/N I have to talk to you about something so can you come with me?" Shuichi asked.
   You looked at him skeptically and then glared at him. "How do I know you're not going to kill me    detective defective?"
"Detective Defective? Ouch that hurt. But we're friends Y/N I just want to talk so please come with me." Shuichi smiled.
  You thought about it and then sighed. "Fine my curiosity is getting the best of me so let's go."
"Thank you Y/N." Shuichi smiled and the two of you began walking to a place you didn't know the location of yet.

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