Chapter 2: No Way Out

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You were walking next to Kokichi.
"Do you really think it's a way out?" Kokichi asked.
"I'm not so sure because if it is why wouldn't they try to cover it up? I just think that maybe it could be a trap." You admitted looking down.
"Well we'll never know until we look right Y/N?" Kokichi asked.
"You're right I'll try to be a bit more hopeful." You assured. 
You got to the manhole with everyone and it was covered in weeds and plants.
"Wow this must be like a dream for you right Y/N?" Kokichi asked.
"If we weren't trapped in here I might have wanted to study these a bit more in depth." You admitted staring at all the plants.
"We need to be quick about this guys if this really is an exit and not a trap if Monokuma catches us that's it." You commented.
"I agree let's be quick about this." Rantaro agreed. Gonta easily lifted the cover and tossed it to the side.
You looked into the manhole and jumped right in.
"Y/N!" Kokichi yelled you thought you heard some shock and a bit of concern  in his voice.
You looked up as everyone stared down at you their eyes wide.
"Did you die?" Kokichi asked with a laugh.
"No no I'm fine come on in everyone!" You declared and one by one everyone followed you in.
"It's more spacious than I thought it would be." Ryoma commented.
"Yodelay heeee." Kokichi yodeled.
"What is this place?" Maki questioned.
"An old industrial passageway. I suspect. Perhaps factories once existed here?" Kirumi babbled.

"And this is all that's left of it?" Kaito asked.
"Hey take a look at  this." Rantaro pointed. "What a considerate sign apparently the end of the tunnel is the exit."
"Doesn't this seem too good to be true?" You questioned.
"Have some faith Y/N." Kaede smiled.
"Don't pee yourself in fear! Your natural scent is bad enough!" Miu yelled.
"I'm not scared I'm just pointing out the obvious!" You countered.
"Well there's no point of standing here." Rantaro shrugged.
"It looks a bit dangerous but we're all ultimates here!" Kaede encouraged. "As long as we work together everything will be fine."
"Yeah you're right." Shuichi agreed.
"A massive tunnel must be fun to play hide and seek in." Kokichi smiled.
"I'm not sure if now is the best time to think of that." You sighed.

"Well as the ultimate supreme leader of an evil organization I have to run from the law a lot in fact I'm always on the run so  I'm the master of hide and seek after time I just became a total pro at hiding." Kokichi explained.
"That is interesting but also it might be a little fun  you know I once killed a hundred." You began with a smirk.
"You killed a hundred?!" Everyone gasped.
"Yep I killed a hundred weeds!" You announced proudly.
"Oh come on you know it was probably ninety eight." Kokichi interjected.
"So what if I round up?" You laughed. 
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
"What I said was a lie." Kokichi admitted.
"I figured." You admitted.

We all raced into the tunnel and we tried our best to reach the end of the tunnel but we couldn't do it.
You held your head in pain as you saw everyone looking at Kaede making sure she's fine except for Kokichi who was right next to you.
"You're awake are you okay?" He asked.
"I-I think so." You said rubbing your throbbing head.
There was a somber feeling in the air and everyone was silent. Just then Monokuma arrived.
"Geez this is quite the pity party you sadsacks are throwing for yourselves." Monokuma chided.
"M-Monokuma!" You shrieked and then the monokubs popped in as well.
"If they knew all along then this was just a trap." You pointed out.
"There was no exit you tricked us!" Tenko yelled.
"No there's an exit." Monophanie reassured.
"I think you'll manage to reach it if you all work together!" Monotaro said.
Then they all left as quick as they came.
"If they really thought we could reach the exit they would be freaking out." You said trying to stand up again.
"They wanted us to try the underground passageway so we'd learn that escape is impossible." Ryoma pointed out.
"Instead of blocking it all off they leave us a bit of hope. They want us to be desperate to go home. Corner is mentally." Rantaro pieced together.
"That's just rotten." Tsumugi sighed.
"We've only failed once let's try again it's not imposible!" Kaede encouraged.
She spoke about being friends when we all manage to escape but you still felt uneasy.
"Let's work together." You said trying to smile.

Everyone tried again and again but it just didn't work there was no hope. You laid on the ground your body filled with pain. It was torture and there was no difference in the end.
"We can do it if we try again!" Kaede yelled.
"Knock it off already." Kokichi said.
"Huh?" Kaede questioned.
"You're free to keep trying on your own but forcing us to join you is basically torture. You know what really hurts? Being denied the right to give up in an impossible situation. You won't let us give up and no matter what we say you have the moral high ground that doesn't sound like torture to you? Poor Y/N can barely stand up straight you pushed her to the brim and no one cares and no one bothered to even ask if she was okay!" Kokichi howled.  "When you say we can't give up you're not inspiring us you're strong arming us!"
"I-I didn't mean it like that! Y/N are you okay?" Kaede asked.
Before you could speak Kokichi walked in front of you.
"Don't ask her now because you finally noticed after I told you. If you really cared as you say you do because you keep saying we're friends you would of already noticed." Kokichi asserted.
"Hey degenerate male quit being selfish!" Tenko yelled at Kokichi.
"I'm not being selfish the others feel the same way too." Kokichi admitted.

Everyone had broken spirits and wanted to give up besides maybe a few people who still had some hope.
"We shouldn't have to push ourselves." Kokichi began.
"We can find another way out." You sighed.
"You two are talking about the killing game aren't you?" Rantaro questioned.
"Oh so you're going to interpret what we say as that huh?" Kokichi smiled.
"What are you saying?! There's no way we can do the killing game!" Tenko yelled.
"Calm down. Want some bubble gum? You can blow pretty big bubbles with it." Kokichi smiled.
"Looks like this little degenerate wants his head smashed into the ground." Tenko threatened.
"Don't threaten him!" You defended getting up from the ground slowly but surely.
"S-stop guys We shouldn't be fighting." Shuichi acknowledged.
"We fell apart pretty quick for a group that decided to be friends and work together." Ryoma commented.
  You then heard an announcement that it is now nighttime and it's time for bed.
"We should probably start fresh tomorrow." Rantaro said.
"We've been assigned a room in the dormitory. Perhaps we should rest there?" Kirumi suggested.
"The rooms aren't that bad much butter than my prison cell that's for sure." Ryoma commented.
   "Since the dining hall opens at 8 am how about we meet there at that time?" Kokichi suggested.
"Sure I think that'll work I'm okay with that." Rantaro agreed.
"Can we go to our rooms already?" Maki asked.
"Yeah we need to regain strength." You sighed.
"Just a warning for everyone we shouldn't let our guards down. We'll be easy targets at night." Rantaro warned.
"So keep the doors locked got it." You replied and began your way to the dorms. 

When you got there you noticed your assign dorm room.  You were a bit scared because you didn't know what everyone  was capable of.
"Goodnight botanist see you tomorrow!" Kokichi said and entered his room.
"Goodnight Kokichi." You whispered and entered your room. It wasn't a bad room and you noticed a room key.
"I should probably lock the door." You murmured and made sure it was locked so no one could break in. You laid in bed and you slept with one eye open.

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