Chapter 11: Searching and a Bit of Romance

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You and Shuichi began to search high and low for where to put the junk.
"I wonder if it's just useless." You sighed.
"You know that can't be the case." Shuichi argued.
"I know Mr defective." You teased causing him to blush out of embarrassment. As you were walking you noticed Kokichi.
"Oh I knew you'd come to check this area. That dragon statue seems pretty sketchy." Kokichi smiled his arms at the back of his head.
You examined the statue and you placed the dragon gem on the statue and the dragon started to glow and it broke revealing a passageway.
"Part of the wall is gone!" Shuichi exclaimed.
"No duh genius. But that's sooo cool I can't believe you did it Y/N. We can get past this wall now! Alright then chaaaaarrrrrgee!" Kokichi yelled running off and Gonta followed behind. You went after him and found an ultimate research lab that had a Victorian antique feel that was Kirumi's lab.
"This is so cool!" You exclaimed taking it all in.
You eventually walked out of the lab and continued onwards searching all around. You saw a treasure chest and you opened it a bit scared that it could be a trap. But inside was a flashlight and Angie snatched the flashlight from your hands.
You also saw the ultimate entomologist lab and it was filled to the brim with bugs.  You noticed Shuichi was freaked out and disgusted by it but Gonta was loving it and you didn't really mind because you were used to bugs.  It really fit the ultimate entomologist.  It wasn't long until you found another which was Ryoma's lab filled with a tennis court.   You were getting a bit excited to see your lab to see what would be in it and if anything useful to get out of this game would be in it. You found another research lab but it was for Maki and she didn't want you or Shuichi to enter and Shuichi and Maki began to have a disagreement.
"Heeeey! What's going on? You guys aren't in the middle of a tiff now are you?" Kokichi asked.
"See? Thanks to you another annoying brat has showed up." Maki sighed.
"Why is Y/N an annoying brat?" Shuichi asked.
"Hey how come she couldn't be talking about you?" You questioned Shuichi.
"I-I didn't mean it like-" Shuichi began trying to find the right words.
"No he was right and you're an annoying brat because you tolerate him." Maki said her red eyes glaring at Kokichi.
"You're a horrible person Maki. I'm glad I'm not like you." You said sticking out your tongue.
"Should of been you and not Kaede." She hissed.
You were shocked to hear those words and mad and you didn't know what to do.
"I don't know what it is that makes you so stupid but it really works you really shouldn't think because it will sprain whatever bit of a brain you have left." Kokichi insulted walking up next to you.
"I don't have time for you." Maki rolled her eyes.
"We shouldn't do anything more to make her upset but it is suspicious that she won't let us in I wonder why." You pondered.
"Who cares she's a good for nothing anyway." Kokichi angrily said sending a glare at Maki.

Now it was you, Shuichi, and Kokichi and all three of you began looking to solve some mysteries of the not so useless junk and thanks to Kaito you did find other things including a love suite and a casino.
"Not sure if I like that implication." You muttered looking at the love suite.
"I'm right there with you." Shuichi commented.

Even more time later you found another piece to this puzzle and you found a swimming pool.
More searching later you found even more research labs androgen more walls came down and you finally found your research lab.
"Oooo! Finally!" You exclaimed with glee and opened up the door and the two boys followed behind.
As you entered it looked like a botanist research lab with all the equipment and gloves and so many different kinds of plants. As you walked in you noticed all the different kind of plants.
"Cicuta maculata, Atropa belladonna, Ageratina altissima, Ricinus communis, Abrus precatorius, and Nerium oleander." Shuichi read the labels that had the scientific name of each plant. Then something clicked.
"Don't touch those!" You commanded your E/C eyes wide causing both the boys to immediately back up.
"Why?" Shuichi questioned.
"Because all those plants are poisonous." You informed. "Monokuma!"
"Heehee you called." Monokuma said as he appeared from thin air.
"What's the meaning of this?" You asked pointing to those plants.
"To give you some ideas of course." Monokuma responded. 
"Is everything here deadly?" You asked.
"Not unless you make it." Monokuma answered and then left and you felt a shiver go up and down your spine.

"Look at this Y/N!" Kokichi said and pointed at the budding red rose.
"Oh wow that's so pretty." You smiled.
"Maybe if we give it tender love and care it will bloom." Kokichi smiled.
  "Yeah maybe." You smiled softly.
"I'll let you stay here and I'll keep on searching the school I'll let you know if something happens." Shuichi said and waved goodbye.
Straight after he left Kokichi turned to you. "I'm so glad he's gone."
"Why?" You asked confused.
"Because he takes up the time that you and I could be spending together!" Kokichi complained.
"Yeah but we have to spend time together to end the killing game for all of us." You pointed out. Kokichi stared into your E/C eyes and put his hands on your shoulders and got close to you. You could feel a blush start to appear on your face and you saw one appear on his face. He got even closer until...
"I'm ending this game for you Y/N." Kokichi whispered and not expecting it  you started to blush even more.
"You can't be serious." You began and shook your head.
"I'm not lying I will end this game." Kokichi stated confidently as if he truly believed in what he said. He then smiled and started to laugh. "Your face is so red!"
"S-so is yours!" You pointed out quickly covering your face.
"You're so cute Y/N." Kokichi complimented.
"T-t-tank you." You stuttered getting even more red.
Kokichi walked closer and closer to you so very close but then someone opened the door and it was Miu and Tsumugi.

"Oh my gosh what are you two doing in here together?" Miu asked smirking.
"Their faces are so red and they are so close so I'm sure they were doing something." Tsumugi laughed.
"We were just talking about flowers. What do you two even want anyway?" You asked trying to avoid talking about anything.
"We all have to gather in the gym." Miu said.
"For what?" You asked.
"I don't know! Probably for something stupid ugly and idiotic like all of you guys here!" Miu insulted.
"Did  you practice being this stupid ?" Kokichi insulted. "Because you're the type of gal to use a blueprint to build an idiot."
"Heeey that's not f-fair I was just k-kidding." Miu stuttered.
You rolled your eyes and you began to head to the gym.

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