Chapter 57: Supernova

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You blinked once, twice, and then three times wanting to not see what you were looking at. But despite wanting to run and hide from it and wishing that it was fiction but this is reality. Kaito is dead. Kaito was a star that you would classify as a supergiant and him dying this way was like a supernova.
Then the body discovery announcement played finally it fully clicked that he was gone you started to burst into tears.
"Kaito!" You sobbed and the others ran over to you pushing Kaito away from you.
"Why him? Why did he die protecting me?" You cried.
"Kaito no!" Shuichi yelled putting his hand over his chest and Maki ran over to Kaito and you could tell on her face that she was heartbroken.
"Miu why haven't you added a crying function yet?" K1-B0 complained.
"I-I don't know." Miu replied.
"Kaito...good riddance." Kokichi spat laughing and then turned away. You turned to face him looking at him your cheeks stained with tears.
"H-h-h-how c-could y-y-you say that?" You stuttered sobbing.

"Just wipe your tears we have a trial to do. If you want to avenge him it's imperative we gather information for the trial. One of us is the killer and right now there's six but soon it will be five how sad but I'm not dying for whoever killed him and I'm not letting you die either so come on he would want you to believe in yourself and help bring his killer to justice!" Kokichi yelled and as you looked at his face you could tell that he was hurting too. He was just trying to hide it and do what Kaito would do encourage you in his own way. Kokichi extended his hand to you and with a small smile and new found determination to bring his killer to justice and then end the killing game you accepted it and Kokichi pulled you to him.
"Crying won't solve anything anyway the only thing I can do now is avenge Kaito and that's what I'm going to do." You declared. "I know that Kaito is cheering us on from the moon Kai-"
"Don't speak his name again." Maki growled.
"What?" You asked.
"Don't speak his name again!" Maki yelled her red eyes glaring something worse than daggers into your E/C eyes. It was  a scary look a look you haven't seen before and you were taken back. "You were the one who should have died not Kaito! Kaito didn't deserve to die! And you're acting all sad right now as if you cared about him but all you did was fight and argue and insult him all the time!" Maki yelled clenching her fists as tears fell from her eyes and then she looked away. "Th-that's why Kaito was a fool he shouldn't have..."  Then with an abrupt sigh she left the room.

     "Y/N don't let her get to you. She's just heartbroken." Shuichi reassured and you nodded understanding.
"Puhuhu look at all the tears! The fights! The despair! I love it!" Monokuma laughed as he appeared.
"What do you want?!" Miu growled.
"To give you the report to help with your investigation journey. I'm sure you guys know the drill so I don't have to explain it to you." Monokuma said and you started to read the report. When you looked up he was gone.
"So his cause of death was an arrow." K1-B0 murmured.
"That's obvious. Where did the culprit shoot the arrow from? And what type of weapon does anyone have that shoots arrows?" Miu asked.
"Let's start the investigation and find out." You said and with that the investigation officially begun.

You hesitantly walked over to Kaito's body not wanting to investigate it but you knew you had to. You bent down with a frown on your face and you looked at the arrow and started to inspect it.
"Well it definitely looks like a clean shot." Kokichi stated.
"Yeah no bruises or signs of a struggle." Miu commented.
"Upon further inspection it can be confirmed it was done by a crossbow. But with it being pitch black did someone have night vision goggles or what?" You questioned.
"If they didn't have night vision goggles it would have just been random shots." Miu added.
"And isn't it suspicious none of those shots hit someone?" Kokichi asked.
"So are you trying to say it was planned?" You confirmed raising your brow.
"I'm saying that it's just suspicious my beloved we can't point fingers yet." Kokichi smirked and kissed your cheek.
You were walking around the school investigating more and you went into a classroom with tables stacked up. You saw a locker and when you opened it you saw what appeared to be a disassembled crossbow.
"Could this be the murder weapon?" You questioned. "But the culprit would of had to assemble it and take it apart quite quickly but it being here..."
"What are you doing here?" Kokichi asked poking his head through the door.
"I think I found the murder weapon this crossbow." You said and showed Kokichi and soon Miu walked in.

"But it's disassembled." Miu pointed out.
"The culprit could have disassembled it after assembling it they would just have to be skilled." Kokichi interjected.
As you three were going to leave the room Miu tripped onto the tables knocking them over and what looked like to be a holographic keyboard appeared.
"Wh-what's that?!" Miu asked looking at it.
"You're the inventor here." Kokichi said.
You walked up to it and touched the keyboard and on screen a flashback light set up screen appeared.
"Setup? Like settings?" You questioned. Miu walked over and pressed enter and the memories appeared including an unlocking new memory function. Miu started to fiddle with it and she pressed subject and it brought her to the screen on the subject you wish to remember.
"This is freaky." You whispered.
"Very freaky." Kokichi agreed.
Miu started to press more buttons and then you heard a clunk coming from the locker. The three of you looked over and Kokichi went to the locker and picked up a flashback light.
"So you can make flashback lights with this desk. Interesting." You thought.
"Could we use this to unlock all memories we are missing?" Kokichi asked.
"The more I look at this the more inconsistencies I find. If Monokuma can create flashback lights at will. Couldn't it be possible that Monokuma is giving us fake memories?" Miu questioned.
"I think we need to think about that more carefully but we still have a trial to solve we should keep looking for clues for this trial." You reminded.
"Come to my dorm we can discuss everything." Kokichi smirked.
"Not our secret lair?" You asked.
"This is just for the trial no need to." Kokichi said and then walked out and Miu followed.

But before you went to see them
you continued to search for clues for this trial and you were still having doubts on who the killer could be. It could be any one of you you didn't know where they were when the lights went out but who would have access and knowledge about a crossbow? As you were walking Shuichi smiled and waved at you.
"Hey Y/N did you find anything?" Shuichi asked.
"A disassembled crossbow I think that's the murder weapon." You answered. "Though I don't know how they would assemble and disassemble the crossbow that fast."
"What if Miu made it?" Shuichi asked.
"What?" You glared at him.
"Hey I don't mean anything by it but if she made it she would have the knowledge to assemble and disassemble it. But who knows but... I have to go your glare is terrifying." Shuichi awkwardly laughed and then left.
"Miu? No way." You mumbled to yourself.

Not wanting to think about that theory without any evidence you decided to head to the dorms to see what Kokichi wants. You saw Miu waiting in front of his door with Kokichi.
"Finally my beloved arrives." Kokichi smiled.
"Come on Y/N let's see what this guy wants." Miu smiled. Kokichi held the door open and you and Miu walked in to see a big mess. Crumbled papers not in the garbage can a bunch of cardboard boxes and a white board. When you looked at the whiteboard you were labeled as love of my life and trustworthy and Miu was labeled as annoying but trustworthy Shuichi was labeled as unreadable the monokubs were labeled annoying and K1-B0 was labeled as weird and everyone else besides those who died didn't have a label.

   "Why is it so messy?!" Miu yelled.
"Sorrry I didn't have time to clean up." Kokichi apologized with a frown on his face.
"Whatever I just can't wait to leave this room." Miu sighed.
     You, Miu, and Kokichi were discussing the trial and all the clues you guys had for it. In this case there weren't many clues but with the clues left behind it made it so with discussion the case would be solvable. After discussing for a bit the announcement was made for the trial to commence.
You looked at them nervously and you took a deep breath in and out.
"Don't be so nervous Y/N we'll survive." Kokichi reassured.
"For once I agree with him. Keep your chin up because we're going to be fine." Miu beamed.
"I know we're going to do this class trial convict the killer and then end the killing game." You confidently smiled.
"That's the spirit now let's go do this soon only five will remain." Kokichi stated.

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