Prologue Part 2 Meeting the Ultimates

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You found yourself in a dark room and you didn't hear any sound. You opened what you felt was a door and you walked out seeing two other people and you collapsed on the floor and you felt immense pain.
"Are you okay?" A girl with blonde hair asked.
"Yeah I'm fine I think." You said clutching your head.
The boy looked at you and extended his hand and you gladly accepted it.
"Thank you." You beamed. "Do you have any idea why we're here or where we are?"
"I was hoping you would have a clue because we're just as lost as you are." The girl spoke.
You looked around trying to remember anything but you couldn't. As you were looking you heard strange voices say "Rise and Shine Ursine"

You looked around and then saw bears pop up.
"Ahhhh!" You shrieked.
"A teddy bear?" The boy said confused.
"Is it a monster?" You asked. "Because teddy bears don't talk!"
"That's so mean... you humans are the real monsters for calling us monsters." The red bear said sadly.
"I highly beg to differ." You scoffed folding your arms.
"I'm glad I was born with these looks I definitely won the genetic lottery." The red bear said proudly.
"What are they? Why are they talking? Aren't they just stuffed animals?" Kaede asked.
"We're not Monokubs! We're the Stuffed Animals!" The blue bear yelled.
"What kind of a lame boy band name is that?" You asked.

"You're saying your lines backwards Monokid." The orange bear whispered.
"We are not a boy band!" The blue bear yelled.
"Could of fooled me." You said with an eye roll.
"Monokubs." Kaede began.
"Oh you've heard of us?!" The pink bear asked.
"No of course not I've never seen walking talking stuffed animals!" Kaede yelled.
The so called Monokubs looked at each other and started to cheer.
"Where are we?" You asked calmly.
"So this place is called the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles." Monotaro said.
"Never heard of this place before." You commented.
"Of course you haven't this school was made for you seventeen cretins." Monophanie said.
"Wait so there's more of us?" You asked surprised.
"Yep there are seventeen ultimates at this school." Monosuke informed.
"Wait Ultimates?" Kaede asked.
"You know what ultimates are right?" Monosuke asked. "The government scouts em through this program called the Ultimate Initiative."

"Ultimate basically means you're particularly prodigious in a particular talent." Monophanie explained.
"Basically the Ultimate Initiative exists to cultivate talent throughout the country." Monokid said.
"I don't need an explanation I already know because I'm an ultimate too." Kaede said.
"Shut up and get started already!" Monokid yelled.
"Get started with what?" The boy wearing a hat asked.
"Exploring the academy of course and meeting the other ultimates cuz you guys are all gonna do an activity together later." Monosuke said in an ominous tone.
"So long bear well!" They said and left. You looked at the other two ultimates.
"This isn't a dream right?" The boy asked.
"No but I wish it was." The girl sighed.
"Anyway we have to get out of here they said there are seventeen ultimates in this school so that means we're three out of the seventeen so we have to meet fourteen more." You stated.
"Wow are you the ultimate mathematician?" The girl asked with a weak smile.
"No it's just basic math." You shrugged.
"Now who are you guys?" You asked.
"I'm Shuichi Saihara they call me the ultimate detective." The boy introduced.

"You're a detective that's so cool!" You exclaimed with a smile.
"Ah no o don't have the credentials to call myself a detective yet." Shuichi said embarrassed. "I just happened to solve a case that I came across and now people call me that."
"Well that still means something because you got an ultimate title from it." You smiled reassuring him.
"Yeah you should be more proud of it." The girl said. "Oh yeah my name is Kaede Akamatsu. I'm the ultimate pianist nice to meet you."
"Well no one calls me the ultimate pianist usually just piano freak." Kaede said sadly. "Ever since I was a child I would play the piano whenever I got bored even times I would play so much I'd forget to eat and sleep eventually I won trophies from concerts and people started to praise me." Kaede beamed.
"That's how you got your ultimate title that's way more impressive than me." Shuichi said and you could tell he lacked self confidence.
"Well what about you?" Kaede said and looked at you.

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