Chapter 16: Cult and Casino

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You awoke to the morning announcement by now it was becoming your norm to hear it and that did scare you how you were slowly starting to get used to life here.  You walked outside your room and you decided to go get breakfast and meet up with everyone else.   You walked there hoping that nothing bad happened last night. You walked in and not everyone was there. You looked around for Kokichi and Gonta but you didn't seem them.
"Has anyone seen Kokichi?" You asked and everyone shook their head no.  You looked at Shuichi and he seemed different he seemed more confident in himself.

"Bah! Who needs them? I'm sure they'll show up but for now you can have breakfast with me." Miu commented.
"According to my calculations not everyone has gathered today." K1-B0 said sadly.
"Yeah you can definitely tell." You frowned.
"Geez what's everyone else doing?" Kaito asked scratching his head.
"It seems Maki has chosen to spend all her time inside her Ultimate Research Lab." Kirumi said.
"I wonder why." You pondered.
"I am not sure what she is doing in there but she has no intention of leaving." Kirumi simply stated.
"What does the Ultimate Child Caregiver gotta do in her research lab anyway?" Miu asked.
"That's a good point what do you do in there?" You asked.
"Maybe she's hiding a bunch of kids in there that she's secretly taking care of!" Tenko suggested.
"That'd be creepy." You said.
"What? She's not some stray dog on the street raising pups." Shuichi pointed out.
"I also saw Kokichi and Gonta sneaking around together." K1-B0 announced.
"Those two sneaking around sounds like bad news to me!" Miu shouted in an annoyed voice.
"Dont ask me what those two are doing because I don't know." You sighed.
"Ah I saw Ryoma on my way here but he said he wasn't coming today." Shuichi said sadly.
"I see well we don't need that guy around here till he's got his head on straight." Kaito sighed. "Tch how did the famous Ryoma Hoshi end up like that?!"

"What? The famous Ryoma Hoshi?" Shuichi asked.
"Moving along what are those two doing?" Tenko asked looking at Angie and Himiko.
"What are you guys doing?" You asked.
"Praying to Atua of course." Angie said in a tranquil tone.
"Praying to Atua." Himiko said in the same tone.
"Huuuuh!? You too Himiko!?" Tenko gasped shocked and confused.
"Nyeeeeh as long as I pray like this I don't need to waste my energy on useless stuff." Himiko stated.
"Look I respect all religions but taking this long to pray isn't exactly useful either. When we could be looking for a way to get out of here." You said.
"Praying to Atua is the only way we will get out of here." Himiko said and Angie nodded in agreement.
"It's escapism." K1-B0 pointed out.
"No she has merely abandoned reality to speak to Atua." Angie corrected.
"That is escapism." Tsumugi sighed.
"Really!? I didn't know that!" Angie exclaimed shocked.
"Hey Angie! When did you brainwash Himiko!? Tenko barked.
"Nyahahahaha! On the contrary I've undone her brainwashing." Angie said as cheery as can be.
"Hm I was brainwashed before back when I didn't feel the presence of Atua." Himiko said.
"Kehehe it seems it's too late." Korekiyo laughed.
"Himiko please get a hold of yourself! You have to face reality!" Tenko yelled unable to get through to her.

"Stop it when you interrupt me it messes up my calm heart." Himiko said frustrated.
"Fighting hee won't work. She has to come out of this herself when she's ready to face everything. Forcing her and fighting with her won't be good for anyone." You advised the others.
Angie then went up and hugged Himiko and comforted her telling her she isn't alone and it worked for Himiko.

"Geez what a stupid cult!" Miu yelled. "This is bad they are going to get so addicted."
"You're not wrong Miu but what can we do?" You sighed knowing that Himiko has to do what she needs to do if this helps her then so be it.
Angie then gave a cryptic warning about not giving into greed and how she devised a plan with a magic show and you weren't too excited by it and it will happen tomorrow morning and the two left.

"Kehehe faith as intense as this can be quite terrifying." Korekiyo commented.
"If this is what gets Himiko through the day we have no right to judge." You said.
"Y/N is right and there may be no cause for concern. This does not appear to be related to our motive videos." K1-B0 said.
"You're only worried about that?" Kaito sighed.
"Of course. We cannot afford to take Monokuma's motives lightly." K1-B0 answered in a stern manner.
"But everyone who isn't here could be showing each other their videos right?" Tsumugi asked.
"You mean Kokichi, Gonta, and Ryoma!?" Miu confirmed.
"No I don't think that's it." Shuichi interjected. "Even with three people there's a low probability of them having each other's motive videos."
"And it would be unlikely for one of them to show the other without getting to see their own. So a video exchange in a small group is highly unlikely." You concluded.
"I see that is true." Korekiyo agreed.
"Heh not bad! That's the Ultimate Detective and Ultimate Botanist for you!" Kaito complimented giving us a thumbs up and a large grin.

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