Chapter 23: Exploration

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You, Kokichi, and Shuichi  were walking around trying to figure out where to put the prize so you three could find the new areas.  As you were walking Kokichi unexpectedly took your hand and placed a kiss on it. 
"We'll find the areas don't worry." Kokichi grinned. "Obviously we didn't need the detective but he should prove useful. Isn't that right Shuichi?"
"I guess I will." Shuichi said.
As you were walking you noticed  Korekiyo, Tsumugi, and Gonta plus a door and pulling out the magic key you realized that it would be the perfect fit.
"I think we already found one area." You grinned and unlocked the door and it revealed a new passageway.
"Woahhh so cool!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Good job Y/N." Shuichi complimented.
"What I wonder is beyond here? Perhaps someone awaits us?" Korekiyo asked.
"You think?" Shuichi asked.
"Kehehe... Merely a jest. Yes this world is full of jests." Korekiyo creepily laughed.
  As you were exploring you noticed another staircase.
"Well the only place to go is up." Kokichi grinned.
"I wonder what's up there." You said looking at the stairs.
"We won't standing here silly. Let's go." Kokichi said.

"We should be cautious." Shuichi warned.
"Don't worry Gonta will protect you no matter what." Gonta smiled.
"Thanks Gonta that's reassuring. A tuxedo and a mask would suit you." Tsumugi said.
"Hm? Tuxedos essential for gentlemen but masks too...?" Gonta trailed off.
"We should go." Shuichi finally agreed.  You went up the stairs and the atmosphere was so creepy and frightening and oppressive that Shuichi screamed.
"What's going on here?" You gasped.
"It's so creepily cool!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Cool isn't what I would use to describe this place." Shuichi sighed.
"That's because you screamed like a girl!" Kokichi laughed earning a glare from the detective.
"Gonta will protect everyone if scared." Gonta said.
"I'll protect Y/N. Gonta you just have to protect Shuichi." Kokichi told Gonta.
"Okay Gonta protect Shuichi." Gonta smiled.
     Then the Monokubs appeared.
"So um this is a made up story but a brutal murder story supposedly took place here." Monophanie said.
"Please stop if I hear any scary stories I won't be able to go to the bathroom alone." Tsumugi cried.

"Oh but she say it made up story so that mean it okay right?" Gonta asked.
Then the monokubs disappeared.
"Hey so I'm just checking but this is a school right?" Tsumugi asked.
"That's what we were told." You shrugged.
"All the research labs are amazing. How much money was put into this schooo?" Tsumugi asked. "And it was all built just for us."
"They did mention that the labs were built so we could develop our talent." Shuichi pointed out. "You research your talent perfect it. That'a kind of like a school isn't it?"
"Then Monokuma really wants this to be a school where Ultimates gather?" Tsumugi asked.
"But we're also trapped and forced to play this game it doesn't make sense." You sighed.
"Don't stress about it we'll figure it out." Kokichi grinned.
"I hope you're right." You replied and Kokichi kissed your hand again.

"This area feel spooky Gonta don't like it." Gonta sighed folding his arms.
"It's okay the murder stour was just made up." Shuichi said.
"Or maybe they were lying." Kokichi smirked.
"Not just story Gonta just have weird feeling maybe stain on that wall over there is blood." Gonta nervously said looking at the wall.
"It might just be staged." You said.
"Staged?" Gonta asked.
"Monokuma or the Monokubs probably just put it there to scare us." Tsumugi said.
"R-really?" Gonta asked.
"Yes I'm pretty sure." You smiled.
"But not tooootally sure?" Kokichi asked.
"I can't be totally sure in this place." You mumbled.
"Tsumugi does this kind of stuff bother you?" Shuichi asked.
"Well it's not that I'm okay with it it's just when it's so overdone like this it makes it seem fake so I feel okay." Tsumugi answered.

You Shuichi and Kokichi were exploring the other areas and one room was barely lit with candles on the wall.
"This is so creepy." You muttered.
"It seems like something that would appear in an occult manga. There's a tragic feeling here." Tsumugi sighed.
You looked around and noticed that the floorboards were a bit unstable and the candles on the wall were the only light in the room. But besides that this was just an empty room. As you made your way to the center and right room it was exactly the same.
"Three suspicious empty rooms. I wonder why." You thought.
"Y/N look here." Kokichi pointed and you saw an odd looking door.
"It seems like an ultimate lab lets go inside." Shuichi said opening the door and when you opened the door it was like an eerie huge library or museum.

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