Chapter 47: Heartbreaking Reveal

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You gasped as you looked and saw Gonta sobbing and professing that it was him. Everyone was shocked and no one knew what to say.
"I killed Himiko and Tsumugi!" Gonta professed tears streaming down his face as if he had never cried before. Everyone was stunned that Gonta said he killed them it was almost unbelievable. Shuichi was shocked it looked like he didn't know what to do and as if he was looking for some piece of evidence that would prove Gonta isn't the culprit but he couldn't find that piece of information. Maki just looked purely and utterly shocked. Kaito was crying and he looked angry. Miu was shocked and you saw a few tears fall from her eyes. K1-B0 looked like he wanted to cry but he couldn't because he didn't have the function. Kokichi was trying to hide his tears and you were crying as well. You didn't want to believe it and you just wanted this all to be a huge dream but you knew it wasn't and it was your reality.
"Don't run from the truth face it ." You thought to yourself. As you forced yourself to look at Gonta.
"Gonta sorry Himiko! Gonta sorry Tsumugi! Gonta wish you two were still alive!" Gonta cried.
"Gonta no...please tell me it's fake." Kaito begged and Gonta shook his head no.

  "Believe him Kaito. It really is Gonta." Kokichi stated.
"How would you know!?" Kaito shouted.
"Because Himiko tried to kill me and then Gonta used the toilet paper to strangle her." Kokichi answered  and everyone gasped shocked.
"What!? Himiko tried to kill you!? Are you kidding me!?" You cried.
"I'm not kidding you and I'm not lying.
"I have no reason to lie. There's nothing for me to gain out of lying. Even before we entered the virtual world I had a suspicion that someone was out to get me and Y/N. When Himiko revealed herself in the virtual world with a hammer it became certain to me that it was planned. She even admitted that someone was going to kill Y/N because in her words Y/N and I are vermin that needed to be eradicated and she didn't want to use her magic because she was out of MP because of the death curse she put on us." Kokichi explained looking at his hand. "Looks like that death curse hit them instead hmph what bad luck."
"So Himiko was going to kill Kokichi and Tsumugi was going to kill Y/N." Maki mumbled.
"But were they planning on dying? They both couldn't of escaped." K1-B0 pointed out.
"Well Keeboy they are both dumb so it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't think that far ahead or maybe Tsumugi was willing to die for Himiko because it would have been an unsolvable case there would have been no real evidence pointing to them." Kokichi shrugged.
"So those two really planned to get rid of you and my best friend. I can't believe that. Ugh if only I could of killed them." Miu gritted her teeth.
"If you did you would be the one getting punished right now so maybe it's best that you didn't." K1-B0 pointed out.
"We should just vote." Shuichi stated taking a deep breath in and everyone agreed. With a shaky hand you voted for Gonta. You didn't want to you didn't want it to be Gonta but you also didn't want to die. The vote came back that Gonta was the killer and you looked over at Gonta who was going to be killed and there was nothing that you could have done.

"Why did you protect me Gonta!?" Kokichi yelled crying. "If you didn't do that! You wouldn't be punished!"
Gonta looked Kokichi in his eyes and then Gonta gave a soft smile. "Don't cry Kokichi. You Gonta's friend and Gonta...did terrible thing by killing but did great thing by protecting you and Y/N."
"W-was it because I requested that you looked out for him? Is that why you protected him?" You asked not meeting Gonta's gaze.
"Part of reason yes. Another part was because Gonta wanted to do it. Y/N no ask me to kill to protect Kokichi and Y/N no ask me to protect her. Gonta believe Y/N is the only hope to escape this place." Gonta admitted.
"Our only hope?" Shuichi questioned.
"Gonta believe Y/N is intelligent and caring. Y/N great and trustworthy lady. Gonta believe Y/N is like butterfly pointing us to right direction. Gonta trust Y/N wholeheartedly! Kokichi have knowledge about a secret and Y/N will use that to guide everyone out of this place." Gonta declared.
You looked at him and a piece of your heart broke because Gonta doesn't deserve to die. Gonta deserves to live and to see the outside world and to see bugs and his family again. But now he couldn't. He was going to die and there was nothing you could do.  It was another friend another life you couldn't save he was going to die because he believed in you to guide them out of this place. He died because of some secret and who knows what that secret truly is.

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