Chapter 2

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Nini woke up in the morning with her head straight in a new attitude. She didn't know what'd gotten into her last night but one thing she knew for sure is that she wasn't gonna let it happen again.

She got herself together before getting dressed. She decided to wear a baby blue dress with a Jean jacket to go along with it. She looked at herself in the mirror admiring how she looked and fixing the little details of her outfit.

"Hi mom, hi dad" Nini smiled

"Hi my little angel" Cece spoke. "Did you have fun at Ashlyn's last night?"

"Yeah, we binged movies until we fell asleep"

"You had a good time in the massage chair huh? Your neck must feel relieved." Nini's dad said and Nini's heart started to beat fast thinking about the events that actually went down last night

"Yeah it does" she said nervously.

"Nini what's that on your neck?" Cece asked acknowledging the mark Ricky had left on Nini's neck last night.

He did it on purpose knowing that it definitely wouldn't be good for her good girl image. He didn't even think about the fact that it could possibly get her in trouble, he just wanted to leave his mark.

At this point Nini's heart was going a mile a minute. She had never been so happy that she threw a few quick curls into her hair that morning.

"Oh I was curling my hair this morning and wasn't paying attention to how close the flat iron was to my neck." She said

"Did you put some aloe Vera gel on it?"

"Yeah, the gel has dried up by now though. It was a while ago"

"We'll go cover it up sweetie, we don't want people thinking it's something other than what it is" she said and Nini nodded heading upstairs.

As soon as she got to her room she let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding in. She had no idea that he'd left that and had no idea how she missed seeing it this morning.

After covering the mark up with makeup Nini headed downstairs where her mom was waiting for her at the steps.

"All covered up?"

"Yup" she smiled as they headed out the door and to east high.

Nini knew she'd see Ricky walking through the halls and mentally prepared herself to ignore him, knowing that it'd be really hard for her.

She loved the rush that Ricky made her feel. The feeling of his lips connected to here. The chills that his touch sent down her spine.

She shook the thought of him before focusing on the music in her headphones.

Ricky got ready and out the house as fast as he could. He was woken up by his parents yelling and he couldn't take it anymore.

You'd think that after this constant arguing going on for so long they'd be tired of arguing themselves but each day they were arguing about something new.

Most people didn't know about Ricky's home life because when Mike and Lynn would go out into the public they'd act like the perfect couple when in reality they were the farthest thing from it.

Ricky entered East High and on his way in he ran into Delilah. He smirked at her and she smiled back linking her arm onto his.

As Ricky walked through the hallways with Delilah on his arm he noticed Nini at her locker putting her books away. She turned around seeing them walking and turned back around unfazed to put her books in her locker.

Ricky didn't exactly know how to react to that, it definitely wasn't something he was used to. Usually girls become attached to him after a night with him but Nini, she seemed to be acting like nothing happened.

He also took notice of her neck and noticed that the mark that she left on it wasn't there. He was almost offended that she felt the need to cover it up. Most girls would be showing it off.

Ricky was definitely bothered by the situation but wasn't gonna show that he was bothered by the situation. At least not now. It wasn't the time and place now.

Ricky got to his locker before letting Delilah go her own way. Ricky was the bad boy but he was huge on academics. He was a straight A student.

No one understood how he achieved the grades he did though. He came in late to almost every class and when he was there he wasn't paying attention.

"So y'all had a sleepover last night and didn't invite us?" Kourtney asked Ashlyn and Nini offended.

"It was honestly super last minute and you know Nini keeps clothes at my house. When Nini decided to sleep over it was too late to call you guys and make it a thing"

"An invite still would've been nice" kourt crossed her arms

"I'm with kourtney on this one. We would've liked an invite"

"Look guys I'm sorry, we should've told you but I definitely wasn't in the right headspace last night"

"Oh yeah, Nini was being a little bad girl last night" Ashlyn said and Nini looked at her with a wide mouth

"Ashlyn!" Nini exclaimed hitting her

"See now you gotta spill. NINI SPILL" Kourtney said

"Let's just say. I did some things that I regret doing" Nini said and Ricky overheard. She was just shooting down his confidence today little by little.

The bell rang indicating that it was time for them to make their way to their first period.

"I'll see y'all at lunch?" Nini asked and they all nodded

"And you're gonna spill the tea too" Gina said and Nini laughed and rolled her eyes.

Nini went to class and got herself settled in. She was taking her color coated notes with her full attention on the teacher when she was called to the office for some reason.

She wasn't sure why but she went anyway. On her way to the office she was pulled into the janitor closet.

She was scared for a second before realizing it was Ricky.

What shall happen in the janitors closet? What do y'all think? I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and tysm for reading! Vote and comment please!

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