Chapter 11

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"Alright so I asked you guys to come because Nini has been going through a lot lately." Ashlyn said. She asked Gina and Kourtney to come over to see if there was anything they could've done to help Nini

"Yeah I noticed she's been acting differently lately but I don't wanna say anything."

"Yeah same, do you know what's going on or what's wrong" Gina asked concerned. They were all concerned about their friend, they had never seen her like this before.

"No, I just know she's been really upset lately. I didn't want to ask because I know she'll talk to me when she's ready, I just hate to see her like this. Do you guys have any ideas as to what we can do?"

"I think a girls day would be fun. You know a break from everything and everyone" Kourt suggested

"That's a good idea. We haven't had one of those in a long time"

"Yeah I like that idea too"

"Alright so we'll tell Nini at lunch tomorrow?"


"Alright let's get all the details together now" Ashlyn said and each girl went onto their phones trying to find different activities they'd enjoy doing and could possibly help Nini feel better.


"Alright class turn to page 187 in your text books and start to work on the practice assignments. They're due by the end of class"
The teacher said and Nini didn't bother to do it. She already did all the practice questions last night because she saw they'd be doing them on the learning guide she received at the beginning of the unit. She liked to have a head start on her assignments.

Most students receive the learning guide and don't give it a second look but Nini looked closely at it pinpointing when the assessments would do and what each class would consist of.

She'd working on school even more since she overheard Ricky's conversation. It was a nice shift of focus from the current situation going on with her.

"Mrs. Clark" Nini raised her hand

"Yes Nina?"

"Can I go to the bathroom? I finished all my practice problems"

"Sure Nina"

"Call me Nini please" Nini said before exiting the classroom, and the teacher nodded taking note of the fact that she'd like to be called Nini

On her way to the bathroom Nini got pulled into the janitors closet. It was all too familiar and she knew exactly who to expect to find in that janitors closet.

"Nini" Ricky spoke

"What do you want Ricky?" Nini said with an attitude. He was definitely the last person she wanted to see. Everytime she had an interaction with him she ended up kissing her and that's not what she wanted. It's not what she needed. Not right now.

"You never told me what was wrong yesterday"

"You don't have to act like you care Ricky" Nini rolled her eyes reaching for the handle to leave but Ricky noticed and blocked the foot before she had the chance to

"Who's acting?" Ricky was genuinely confused. Nini just started acting weird out of nowhere and he didn't know why. He needed some type of answers. Nini irritatedly chuckled and looked up to the ceiling trying her best not to say something she'd regret. The fact the he was acting like he actually cared was irritating her even more.

"You don't care what's going on with me Ricky. You don't care why I'm upset. You only care about yourself so tell me, please tell me why I should confide in you with my problems?" Nini said and Ricky's face slightly fell.

"You've got it all wrong Nini. I do care about you and I've voiced that I care about you several times. What are you getting about that?"

"My name is Nina. Only my friends call me Nini and you? You definitely aren't one of them. Richard."

"What did I do to you? Why do you hate me?" Ricky asked

"You underestimated me. That's what you did" Nini said trying to leave but Ricky wouldn't let her. "Let me out Richard"

"You're not leaving until I get an answer. What did I do to you Nina?"

"Richard!" Nini exclaimed

"Nina!" Richard matched her energy

"You led me on Richard. You let me think that you really liked me when you don't . That's what you did. And to think. I gave you my first kiss" Nini said the last part quietly but Ricky still heard.

"That was actually your first kiss?" Ricky said shocked so his grasp on the door loosened he was actually surprised by the fact that he actually gave her her first kiss.

Nini noticed how his hold on the door and took that as her chance to exit. She was no longer interested in the conversation and she needed to get away from him.

She refused to allow herself to cry so she just washed her face really quickly and headed back to her class. She was gone for long enough.

Ricky wondered why he always pulled Nini into the closet. He was always left dumbfounded when he did that.

He went straight out of the double doors of the school and to his thinking spot. He hadn't been there in what seemed like forever and he could definitely use some time to clear his mind. He had a lot running through his mind.


Nini sat on her bed working on her Calculus assignment. It was difficult but nothing Nini couldn't handle, she payed close attention in class so she understood the concept of the math.

She was interrupted from a knock on her door

"Come in" Nini said as she took her glasses off. Her focus shifted from Calculus to whoever was at her door.

The door opened revealing Cece "hey sweetie"

"Hey mom" Nini smiled

"What are you working on?"

"Just some calculus. What's up?"

"Oh nothing. I just haven't talked to you in a long time. I wanted to kinda catch up on what's going on in your life"

"Nothing much mom. Just trying to get all my schoolwork done"

"Any boys in your life? Do you like anyone"

"See that's a trick question" Nini laughed "you and dad would kill me if I even looked at a boy"

"Correction. Your father would kill you. I understand what it's like to be a 16 year old girl."

"It's nobody right now mom"Nini laughed "besides. I don't have time for boys right now. Look at all this school work"

"You know when there is you can talk to me right?"

"Yeah I know mom" Nini smiled small

"Alright sweetie I'm gonna let you get back to work" Cece kissed nini's head before leaving

"Alright, bye mom" Nini said as her mom left her room

Sigh. Can Ricky really be this idiotic and stupid? He can't put two and two together? Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and tysm for reading!

𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙚|𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝘼𝙪 (𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin