Chapter 6

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Nini followed Ricky nervously and reluctantly into one of the empty rooms of the house. She knew that she probably shouldn't have agreed to talking to him because one look into his eyes and she couldn't think straight.

After they entered the room Ricky shut the door and gently took Nini's face into his hands. He pressed his forehead against hers and took a breath.

"I can't stay away from you." He spoke. Nini's breath hitched at his touch. Her heart sped up as soon as she came in contact with him

"Ricky I-"

"Nini listen" Ricky cut her off "I respect you, and I understand that you want me to leave you alone but you're on my mind all the time. I just I- can't stay away from you. And you look...amazing"

"Thank you" Nini smiled "but I- I uh thought we were coming in here to talk"

"We are talking" he chuckled

"Ricky I can't." Nini said. Her breath was heavy and she her heart rate was increasing by the minute.

Ricky's heart was beating fast and he was unfamiliar with the feeling. He had never felt this way around a girl before and he didn't know how exactly to handle it. He blamed it on the fact that he had $40 on the line here.

"Nini you can if you want to"

"How do you know that I want to?" Nini really did want to. She wanted to be rebellious and date Ricky but secretly. There were just too many risks that came with it. Ricky's reputation was always in the back of her mind.

Ricky didn't care about girl's feelings. He got what he wanted out of them and left and Nini was a hopeless romantic. Her heart wasn't prepared for Ricky.

Nini had her parents full trust. They could say with full confidence that their daughter was an Angel and Nini loved the confidence that they had. She didn't want to betray their trust.

She was torn

"Because this" Ricky said connecting his lips with hers. He was nervous at first considering everything she said to him earlier but that nervousness soon went away when she kissed him back.

At that moment Ricky knew that he had a chance of winning this bet. Even if it was a slim one he had a chance.

Their lips moved in synch as they kissed with passion. Ricky's hands roamed to Nini's hips and hers naturally roamed to the curls in his head.

Nini knew in her heart that she shouldn't be doing this but her heart and her body weren't communicating properly.

After separating from the kiss for air they pressed their foreheads against each other breathing heavy. The kiss was passion filled but neither of them were willing to admit it.

"Come on Nini, let's try this thing out. Us against the world. What do you say?" He asked and Nini took a minute to think about it. She no doubt had feelings about the curly headed boy standing in front of her.

"How about this? We start as friends. If the relationship grows, it grows. If it doesn't then we'll just stay friends" she proposed. Ricky thought about it and figured this could still work out in his favor.

"Deal" he said and Nini smiled

"Great" she said "Gina, Kourt, and Ashlyn are probably wondering where I am so I should go"

"Okay go ahead" he said and Nini left the room heading back over to her friends. They flooded her with questions about what happened and why he wanted to talk to her but she told them simple answers.

Nini didn't have any intention to tell them what actually happened between them. Ricky didn't have any intentions to tell his friends what happened between them either.

He was gonna keep everything to himself at least until the bet between him and red was over.

"Alright everyone! Let's play truth or dare!" Noel, the host of the party host said and everyone gathered into a circle preparing to play truth or dare.

"Alright so I have this deck of cards. There are 12 people playing but there only 11 cards. Whoever ends up without a card has to do a truth or a dare. The person on the right gets to pick whatever your question or dare is" Noel said and everyone nodded understanding the rules of the game.

"Alright" Noel said laying the cards down onto the table "in 3,2,1! Go!" He said and everyone grabbed a card as soon as they could. The one left without a card with Ricky but he didn't care. He wasn't afraid of a truth nor dare.

"Truth or dare Ricky?" Carlos asked him

"I'm gonna start off with a truth"

"Aww you're boring" Big red yelled out

"Shut up Red" Ricky said and Red did as told

"How many girls have you hit on today alone?" Carlos asked confident he'd say 10 or 11. Ricky was the ultimate player so it was expected for his number to be high

"1" Ricky said honestly and smirked at Nini. Nini was the only one and he knew this would help his case when trying to get her to fall for him.

Everyone in the room gasped at the low number.

"Who has softened Ricky Bowen?" Carlos asked and Nini started to get nervous knowing that she was the one girl Ricky was talking about. The last thing she needed was for everyone to know she was the girl

"One question per round" Noel said grabbing all the cards from the middle preparing for a new round. Nini let out a quiet sigh of relief and turned her attention back to the game that was going on in front of her

The next round Kourtney ended being the one without a card and Nini dared her to mix every drink in the refrigerator and drink a shot of it.

The drink nearly killed Kourtney but she got through it.

Next for truth or dare was Gina. She was dared to run up and down the street screaming "I'm a Gleek" twice. She'd never been so embarrassed in her life but she definitely wasn't one to back down from a dare. Gina was the competitive type so her backing down for anything was definitely out of the question.

Next turn was Nini's. Everyone expected it to be a boring round because Nini was a goodie two shoes. Nini was bound to pick truth and none of her truths were interesting because she hadn't done anything.

"Have you had your first kiss?" Ej asked and Nini's face showed panic for a brief second but softened before anyone could notice.

She took a drink from her cup which had nothing but kool- aid before answering the question.

"Uh-yeah I uh have" she said nervously going in for another drink of kool aid after answering question

"TO WHO!?" Gina and Kourtney exclaimed at the same time.

"One question per round" Noel said but both Gina and Kourtney disregarded it curious of when their close friend had her first kiss.

"Forget that one question per round mess Nini! When did you have your first kiss!" Kourtney asked and Ricky sat there confused.

He thought that he couldn't possibly be her first kiss. She seemed like she'd been doing this for years. There was no way.

"This isn't exactly a conversation I wanna have in front of everybody Kourt" Nini said

"Fair enough. We're talking about this later" she said and Nini rolled her eyes. They didn't have to make THAT big of a deal out of something like this and now Ricky probably knew that he was her first kiss.

Hiii babies! Did y'all like this chapter? Idk I kinda suck at writing parties but it's whatever! Tysm for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment please!

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