Chapter 10

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Ricky laid back on his bed staring at the ceiling. His parents were arguing in the next room and their voices got louder and louder.

He didn't even have the energy to go off anywhere to get away from their arguing, so he just stayed in his room attempting to tube them out but it wasn't working very well.

He remembered when he was younger his parents were more discrete about their arguments but as he got older the just didn't care anymore. They yelled as loud as their hearts wanted to yell

You'd think by now they would've said everything they wanted to say but it seems like everyday there's something new.

Ricky reached over grabbing his phone to check if nini texted him back. It'd be nice to have a distraction from his current situation and he could get closer to her through texts so it'd be a win-win situation.


His phone just had new messages from EJ, Big red, and other girls trying to make their move on him but he wasn't interested in taking to any of them at the moment so he just locked his phone focusing his attention back on the ceiling.

He put on his headphones and blasted music hoping to drown out the sounds of his parents screams.


Ricky was in the lunchroom and scanned the room looking for Nini. She still hadn't texted him back and that was unusual for her.

He spotted her and saw she was sitting at the lunch table with her friends and she looked kinda sad yet still beautiful.

She had on a long sleeve purple top with some blue jeans to match and her hair was straightened falling below her shoulders.

He made his way over to the table setting down his lunch tray next to Nini.

"Hey Nini" he smiled. Nini looked over at him and scoffed. Ricky was confused because the last time he saw her she was excited about getting the part of Gabriella. So he didn't know why she was being so cold.

"What do you want Richard?" She asked in a really serious stern tone . He really wanted to know why she didn't text him back, but if he told her that he'd sound desperate.

"Why are you in such a bad mood Nini?"



"My name is Nina" Nini corrected. Only people she liked called her Nini and Ricky definitely wasn't in that category at the moment.

"Okay then, NINA. What's up with you? Why are you in such a bad mood"

"Why do you even care" Nini laughed. What Ricky said to her was just enough for her to build up a wall. She wasn't about to let him in and give him exactly what he wanted.

"We've been over this Nin-Nina. You know how I feel. Why wouldn't I care"

"Whatever Richard" Nini chuckled lightly knowing nothing coming out his mouth was the truth. She knew he didn't care and that's what really hurt. She wanted him to. "I gotta go" she said getting up from the table and heading to the bathroom.

She closed the door to the stall and slid down the door letting her tears fall. His words from yesterday kept replaying in her brain.

She knew she didn't deserve this. She knew she could do so much better, but her insecurities continued to come to the surface.

"I'm too good" she thought

The lack of attention from boys were because of how good she was. She found herself wondering what life would be like if she was normal and willing to take risks.

She definitely wouldn't be feeling the hurt she was feeling at the moment. She hadn't been fooling with Ricky for very long but she was genuinely hurt.

She was moreso hurt by the fact that she let him talk her into things she normally wouldn't do. She let him alter her judgment and told her things to make her think that he was actually in it with her.

The first bell rang and Liv was never late for class so she wiped her eyes and went to the sinks to rinse of her face and was her hands.

After she finished she looked in the mirror seeing her best friend standing their behind her. As soon as she saw her the tears welled up in her eyes and she pulled her into a hug crying in Ashlyns shoulder.

"How could I be so stupid" Nini cried. Ashlyn said nothing but "it's okayyy honey it's okay" Ashlyn had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that her best friend was hurting and she needed her, so she was there for her

If nini wanted to talk about it Ashlyn was all ears but if not she wasn't going to force it out of her.

"What time is it?" Nini asked


"I have two minutes to get to class" Nini said rushing to wipe her tears and rerinse her face.

"Nini I think you can be late for one class. You're going through a lot right now"

"I'm fine Ash really. I just needed to let it out and I did so I'm fine. I'm gonna get to class. I love you" Nini said rushing out the bathroom and to class.

Ashlyn was really worried about Nini. She was obviously really hurt but neglecting to admit that she was. She didn't have to talk about it but trying to convince everyone that nothing is wrong isn't exactly healthy for her. Ashlyn just didn't know what to do.

Ricky decided to ditch his next period as usual and sat under the bleachers outside trying to figure out what was up with Nini.

She was acting really weird with him and it was really unusual. He hadn't been blocked yet but all his texts and calls were ignored and she was giving him the cold shoulder.

He'd never thought this heavy about any other girl before. What was happening to him?

Ricky is still an idiot. I hope y'all enjoyed though! Tysm for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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