Chapter 12

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Ricky's mind stayed on Nini. He still couldn't believe that was her first kiss. It just flowed so naturally.

He knew that she was the good girl of the town but he just assumed that she'd had it previously. If he would've known he would've went about everything differently.

He didn't know how exactly but he wouldn't have came onto her the way that he did. He would've taken things slower. Maybe if he had she would've believed that he was trying to change.

Despite the fact that his mind was on Nini he still entertained other girls. It definitely wasn't helping his case with Nini but the Ricky in him wouldn't let him leave him alone. Especially when they came to him.

He was currently with the newest girl Jessika. They were in his car but it wasn't going too well because Ricky found himself always comparing what she did to Nini.

The way she'd make him feel. He currently wasn't feeling anything. It was almost like a handshake. No connection.

This was normally how Ricky would feel while with girls. No strings attached. But for some reason it just wasn't cutting it for him anymore.

He wanted to feel something. And right now, he just wasn't. His mind wasn't in the right space either. He kept thinking about Nini and what she said.

Jessika kissed his neck leaving several marks as she trailed kisses around it.

"It's obvious you're not into this. What's going on?"

"Nothing." Ricky said and left it at that. He barely knew Jessika. He wasn't about to tell her all his problems and what's on his mind.

"Maybe I should go" she trailed off

"Nobody's stopping you" he said. He had no type of emotional attachment to this girl so he saw no point in making her stay.

Jessika scoffed and left the car. She knew Ricky was a jerk so she wasn't too surprised. Ricky sat in his car trying to figure out when the perfect time would be to go into his house.

He wasn't in the mood at all to hear all the arguments between his parents so he needed to time everything out perfectly.

He took out his phone typing out a message to Nini

Look Nina. I know you're upset with me right now but I do care about you whether you believe it or not. Just give me a chance to prove it to you please. I like you...

But he rethought sending it and deleted the entire message. He truly did like her but he didn't recognize it. He'd never felt this way about a girl before and watching what his parents go through daily, he's super protective over his heart.

Ricky thought the text would help him to get further along in the bet, but at the same time the text was way to vulnerable for his bad boy image. He needed to take baby steps.

"Nini what are you doing" Kourt asked as she entered Nini's room, and startled Nini

"You just scared the heck outta me" Nini said holding her hand over her heart. It was now racing because Kourtney caught her completely off guard.

"Sorry. Cece let me in" Kourt laughed

"It's fine" Nini said trying to calm herself back down "I was just reading. It's getting really juicy"

"What are you reading anyway?"

"It's this book called after"

"The one that's on Wattpad?"

"Yeah but it actually got published and it's really good. Tessa is an idiot though"

"Nini what are you doing tonight?" Kourt asked with a look in her eye that Nini knew all too well

"Not going to a party, that's what I'm doing"

"Come on Nini it'd be fun. Take a break from the books and have fun with us"


"Yeah, me Ash and Gi are going and we would really love if you came with us"

Nini thought about it and 9 times out of 10 Ricky would be at the party. She'd rather stay away from him, but she'd love to prove to him that she's capable of more than he thinks she is

"Fine, I'll come. But you have to pick my outfit and do my makeup"

"Deal" Kourt squealed

As Ricky sat in his car he got a text from Big red telling him that it's a party, so Ricky decided to make his way over. He never missed a party opportunity. It helped to keep him out longer.

He walked into the party hearing the music blasting and people dancing everywhere with their cups in their hands. This was nothing new to him though.

He noticed Nini laughing with her friends and she looked stunning. She had on a white off the shoulder top with a pair of ripped blue jeans, and her curls fell over her shoulders. Her makeup was super subtle but it complimented her perfectly.

He wanted to go over to say something to her but he didn't want to be super obvious about it.

"Ej I need a favor"

"And that is?"

"Tell Nini to meet me in the 4th room to the right."

"You know I don't support the bet or what you're trying to do with her Ricky. Why would I help you hurt her?"

"Just do it. Please"


Ricky made his way to the 4th room on the right hoping that Nini would walk through the door any minute. He didn't want to argue anymore, he hoped he could solve everything then and there, and he'd be back on track.

Nini walked through the door seeing Ricky and tried to turn back around but Ricky stopped her before she had a chance to.

"I've said all I have to say to you Richard" Nini rolled her eyes

"Well then let me talk Nina" he said and she turned around crossing her arms "I'm not sure exactly why you're upset with me but I promise that I do care about you. You've made me feel like a better person for the little time I've known you. Please just give me another chance" he said and Nini chuckled in disgust.

"Uhh a little piece of advice Richard, before you try and charm a girl and try to win her back with your words, make sure your neck isn't full of hickeys that she didn't give you" Nini said before leaving the room.

Ricky looked in the mirror to see his neck was full of hickeys that he didn't even know was there.

He knocked over the tissue box that sat on the dresser thinking that if they weren't there he would've actually had a chance of getting back into nini's good graces.

This was kinda bad but oh well. I still hope you guys enjoyed. Tysm for reading and you should vote and comment :)

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