Chapter 19

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"You're not worried about your parents coming home" Ricky asked. They were currently in her room cuddling, enjoying a comfortable silence and being in each other's presence

"No, they went to the next town over for business reasons and things got delayed. They're not supposed to be home until Friday since things got delayed" she said and he nodded

They started out working on the project but somehow ended up in this position. Neither of them were complaining about it though

"Your hair is really soft".

"Thank you"he laughed "the secret is conditioner"

"Hmmm why didn't I think of that" Nini said and they both laughed

"So Nini, I told you about my life, it's your turn"

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything" Ricky said, he was all ears and was interested to hear anything Nini wanted to tell him.

"My life is kind of boring if we're being honest. Most of the time I'm in here either reading or doing work. My parents expect me to get into a really prestigious college, and I just want to make them proud. Occasionally my friends will drag me out of my room and take me out but it's never self motivated"

"So you like to stay in the house while I like to stay out the house" Ricky laughed

"I think that's why we work though."

"What do you mean"

"I mean that our differences make us more exciting. My entire life I thought that I needed someone who was exactly like me. Until I met you. Everything with you was so fun and exciting and I just had so much fun with you. I realized that if I had someone exactly like me it'd be boring"

"I think we all thought you'd end up with someone exactly like you" Ricky said and they both laughed "I just hate that the reason that I went after you was because I thought you'd be a challenge. And that it took me so long to realize my feelings for you"

"When did you actually realize your feelings for me?"

"When you stopped talking to me. It's really crazy because I've never felt this way about anybody before and I kept trying to neglect that you were making me feel this way. But when you stopped talking to me I couldn't take it. Especially when you started calling me Richard I knew I really messed up. How about you?"

"Honestly? When you pulled me into the janitors closet and you said that if I didn't feel anything you'd leave me alone. I knew I liked you in that moment but all I was thinking about was my reputation, so I had to tell you that I didn't feel anything"

"Nini why didn't you tell me I gave you your first kiss earlier?"

"Would you have told me?"

"Good point" he laughed "but if I would've known I would've gone about it differently. I assumed that—"

"It's okay baby, I wouldn't take it back for the world"

"You wouldn't" he asked and she shook her head

"If you hadn't kissed me I probably wouldn't be with you today. Plus I love your kisses" she said as she pecked his lips

"Come here" he said grabbing her chin gently and bringing her lips closer to his until they connected. The feeling both of them felt while with each other was indescribable.

There was a sense of safety while with each other that both of them loved.

"Hold on" Nini said picking up her phone to answer it and Ricky decided to do the same thing he did when her father called her

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"Hold on" Nini said picking up her phone to answer it and Ricky decided to do the same thing he did when her father called her

He trailed kisses throughout her neck distracting her from the conversation at hand




"You haven't been texting back in the group chat and we wanted to make sure you knew me, ash, and Gi are on our way over" she said and Nini let out a giggle not being able to focus on anything but Ricky "did you just...giggle?"

"Y-yeah I'm watching uh pretty little liars and Hannah just slapped Jenna. You know h-how much I uh hate Jenna"

"You could've waited until we got there to watch, we could've binged"

"We can uh- we can rewatch when you guys get here"

"Okay cool, we'll be pulling up in like 15 minutes"

"All-alright" Nini muttered out before hanging up the phone. Kourtney became a little suspicious after the phone call considering the fact that Nini was stuttering for half the call

"That was weird"

"What happened?" Ashlyn asked

"Nini kept stuttering. She couldn't get a sentence out without stuttering over the most simple words"

"Oh I think her dad just bought the same massage chair we have at my house. Everytime she gets in it she stutters because of how good it feels" Ashlyn laughed

"Oh okay" Kourt said, her mind was slightly relaxed but she still was a little suspicious.

"Why would you do thatttt" Nini laughed and lightly slapped Ricky's chest

"I couldn't help it" Ricky laughed "it's hilarious hearing you stutter"

Nini got up and looked in the mirror and saw the hickeys Ricky left on her neck.

"Look what you did" Nini whined

"Sorry" Ricky laughed lightly "I didn't think they'd be that deep. He said and Nini gave him the death glare

"Now I have to cover these uppp, I can't stand you, do you know that?"

"Yeah I know" Ricky smiled

"Baby I forgot the girls are coming over for a sleepover so you should probably go" Nini said grabbing the foundation hoping she could cover up the marks he left on her neck

"Alright, don't have too much fun without me" he kissed her before getting his stuff together to leave

"You already know I won't" she pouted

"Text me when you get home"

"I will"

"Don't forget"

"I won't"

"Okay bye babyyy"

"Bye Angel" Ricky said closing the door to Nini's room and heading out her front door hoping he wouldn't run into anybody while out there.

Hehehe rini content! How do y'all think the sleepover is gonna go?? Tysm for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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