Chapter 13

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"Nice of you to come to class Mr.Bowen. You're just in time, we're about to choose partners for our projects" Mrs. Harris said as Ricky entered the classroom

This was my one of the only classes that Ricky had with Nini so he made it a point to get there early, that is in Ricky time.

He came in 30 minutes after the class already started which in most people's eyes is super lat, but Ricky felt like he was walking in 30 minutes early.

Nini chuckled in disgust and scoffed at how late he was. They were so different. She was super punctual and he wasn't on anyone's time but his own.

"As I was saying before? You guys will have a 3 part project that you will have to complete along with a partner. You'll have plenty of time to get it done so I suggest that you not procrastinate. I've already picked your partners so when I call your names please find your way over to each other, and I'll explain the project."

Mrs.Harris called out the partners and the only two people left were Ricky and Nini. Ricky looked over at Nini with a smirk and Nini held a frown on her face.

"And that leaves us with Nina and Richard" Mrs. Harris said

"No no no there has to be some kind of mistake" Nini said hoping it was but she knew it wasn't.

"There's no mistake Nina please make your way over by Richard so that I can explain the instructions"

Nini hesitantly made her way over to Ricky. She'd been trying to stay away from him other than being in the musical with him. This project was just gonna force her to be with him longer which is not at all what she wanted.

She knew that she'd end up doing most of the project by herself because her and Ricky were just too different. He barely comes to class let alone having a project together.

"Alright class so for this project you'll be assigned an feeling by me. It can be love, heartbreak, sadness, happiness, any type of feeling, and you'll have to make a creative piece of that feeling. This creative piece can be a song, an art piece, an essay. It's up to you."

Nini got kinda excited because she loves to write especially music. It was kinda one of her secret hobbies.

Nini loved to channel all her emotions into music. She felt like none of her songs were worth showing anyone but she was definitely super talented.

"You'll have to perform your pieces in front of the class so make them good!"

Nini lost a bit of confidence knowing it had to be performed in front of the whole class but she was still excited

"I can save both of us the trouble and do all the work."

"Woah woah woah. Who said I wanted you to do all the work? If this is a partner project we're gonna work on it as partners"

"I mean you're never in class so I just assumed—"

"So just because I'm never in class you think I don't do my work?"  Ricky asked kinda offended. Everybody made these assumptions about him and it was offensive to him because in reality it was the exact opposite. Ricky made sure to get his work in.

"I mean I don't know when you'd have time to do it. You're with a different girl everyday."

"Yeah at one point you were one of those girls" he said and nini's face fell

"Whatever Richard" she said not wanting to be apart of the conversation anymore. She didn't like the way what he said made her feel. She felt like she was just a number. A girl added to the list of many. She couldn't believe she gave him her first kiss.

Ricky realized what he said and instantly regretted it. It definitely wasn't helpful to him getting back on Nini's good side. He was just upset and it slipped out.

"Alright class. You'll have more time in class to work on this tomorrow but the bell is due to ring any second now so you can pack your books up now. I will assign your emotions tomorrow" she said and Nini swiftly packed up her books wanting to get away from Ricky as soon as possible.

After her books were all packed up the bell rang right on time and she walked up to Mrs.Harris' desk.

"Hi Mrs.Harris"

"Well hello Nina" she said with a smile. Nini was one of her best students

"I was wondering if there's any way I can switch partners or work alone. I really don't want to work with Richard"

"I wish I could Nina, but there is no one else I can pair you up with, and I can only consent to you working separately if Richard would also like to work alone. I think you two working together would be good for you guys. Richard is a really smart boy when he applies himself, I think he needs a nice push and I think you could be a great person to help push him. That's why I partnered you guys together"

"Okay, thanks anyway Mrs.Harris" Nini knew Ricky wouldn't have agreed to work solo so she just had to suck it up and work with him.


"Are you gonna ask me out or what? Because I'm tired of waiting for you to make a move" Gina said approaching EJ. They'd liked each other for a while now, but neither of them were making a move. They'd been stuck in the same spot for a while now and Gina was tired of it.

"I mean yeah, I just didn't know if you liked me the same way I like you" he said shocked at how bold she was

"Well. I'm waiting"

"Oh uh, Gina would you like to go out with me tomorrow tonight?"

"No, I don't really like you like that" she said and Ej's face fell

"I'm kidding. Of course I'll go out with you Ej" she said and his face broke into a smile and he picked her up spinning her around

"Don't you ever scare me like that again" he said and she laughed

"Sorry, I had to"

I'll start providing more Gina and ej content because why not? Anyway not them arguinggggg. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and tysm for reading!

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