Chapter 23

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"Alright, let's rehearse the scene when Troy and Gabriella sing What I've been looking for. By now you guys should be off script for act 1" Ms.Jen said as Ricky and Nini got up to rehearse their parts.

Regardless of what Lenard told Nini she refused to quit the play. She'd always dreamed about being the lead in the musical and now that she got it, she's not giving it up. Plus it gave her some extra time with Ricky.

"Any last minute sign ups" Ashlyn said in her best Ms.Darbus impression. It was almost like she was meant to play the role. She was nailing it

"We should go" Ricky whispered to Nini

"No? Good. Done" Ashlyn said before turning off the lamp on the desk

"I'd like to audition Ms.Darbus" Nini said stepping out from behind the wall she was hiding behind

"Timing means something in the theatre young lady, the individual auditions are long long over and there are simply no other pairs"

"I'll sing with her!" Ricky reluctantly walked out just as Troy did in the movie

"Troy Bolton. Where is your sports posse or whatever it's called"

"Team uh, but I'm here alone actually I'm here to sing with her"

"Well we take these things very seriously at east high. I called for the pairs audition and you didn't respond. Free period is now over"

"She has an amazing voice"

"Perhaps the next musical" Ashlyn said before walking out. And on cue the girl playing Kelsi tripped and dropped all her music.

Ricky and nini rushed on the stage to help her pick them up.

"So you're a composer? You wrote the song Ryan and Sharpay just sang" Ricky said and the girl looked at him shyly "and the entire show?" She nodded "Thats really cool I uh cant wait to hear the rest of the entire show. So why are you so afraid of Ryan and sharpay? I is your show"

"It is?"

"I mean isn't the composer of a show kinda like the playmaker in basketball?"


"The one who makes everyone look good. I mean without you, there is no show. You're the playmaker here Kelsi"

"I am?" She asked and Ricky nodded "do you wanna hear how the duets supposed to sound?" She said before placing the music back on the piano and starting to play.

"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see. You were always there beside me" Ricky sang. Nini looked at him while he sang with a smile admiring his voice. It was so soothing to her, and she couldn't believe that she went so long without knowing how talented he was.

"Thought I was alone, with no one to hold, but you were right me" Nini sang. Ricky looked at Nini as if she was the only person in the room. He always admired her voice and he knew she'd go far in the future. He couldn't help but smile while looking at the girl.

"This feelings like no other, I want you to know that I've never had someone that know me like you do, the way you do. And I've never had someone as good for me as you, no one like you. So lonely before I finally found what I've been looking for" they sang together making complete eye contact. Once there were in each other's gazes their eyes never left each other. Both their heart rates were quickening and smiled broke out on both their faces.

Ms. Jen knew then and there that she made the right choice casting Ricky and Nini as Troy and Gabriella. Their chemistry was through the roof and radiating off the stage.

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