Chapter 18

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"Nini what are you doing?"

"Open the door Ricky" Nini said looking up at the sky. The clouds were grey and it was obvious that it was about to start raining. Ricky would be cruel to leave her out there in the rain.

Ricky unlocked the doors and Nini got into the car. Maybe 30 seconds after she got in, it started pouring raining.

Ricky looked down at his lap fiddling with his fingers. He hated that Nini was seeing him like this but there was nothing he could do about it now.

He never would've thought he'd find himself falling for her, that she'd be the first person ever to see him cry

"Look at me" she said but Ricky ignored her continuing to play with his fingers. He didn't want her to see his eyes again.

"Look at me Ricky" Nini used her index finger to lift Ricky's chin up and look at her in the eyes

"Why are you here Nini? If someone sees you in this car your reputation—"

"I don't care about that right now Ricky. What I care about is that you're okay. Are you okay Ricky?" She asked and he considered lying. He really really cared about Nini and wasn't sure if he was the best thing for her

He didn't care about the bet anymore. Red could keep the $40 for all Ricky cared. He knew how much Nini's reputation meant to her and her parents.

"Nini you've worked your entire life to build up and keep your reputation. You're willing to just ruin it like that?"

"To help you? Yes"

"What about all the things I said about you. I don't deserve you Nini"

"You didn't mean them" she breathed out

"You believe me?" He asked and she nodded

"The fact that you were more concerned about me keeping my reputation than helping you proves that to me. You really care about me" she said and he smiled

"I've never exactly done this before"

"Done what before"

"I've never cared about a girl the way I care about you. I don't know exactly how this goes"

"Neither do I" Nini laughed and so did Ricky "we'll do it together" she said and he smiled and nodded

"Don't think you got off that easy Bowen, what's going on? I'm all ears"

"It's my parents. They've been arguing really bad for years. That's why I became rebellious. I wanted some type of attention from them, but everytime I did something they'd pay attention to me for a little then go right back to arguing. Eventually I found that attention in girls. I felt wanted, something I didn't feel with my parents, plus it got me out of the house"

"It doesn't matter what time it is, my parents will scream at each other to the top of their lungs but for some reason I held hope"

"I thought your parents were like the golden couple. They're what all couples in town aspire to be like"

"That's what they make themselves seem like to the public. They want everyone to think they're this perfect happy couple when in reality, they can't stay in a room with each other for 2 minutes without yelling at each other" he said and Nini looked at him with sad eyes. She was all ears.

"I walked into my house yesterday to see glass shattered on the floor, all of the pictures of them together torn and on the floor and my dad sitting on the couch crying. I didn't know how to take in the scene in front of me, but I knew I had to see what was going on.

"They got into another argument, one that was more heated and serious and my mom left. After she left my dad's anger got the best of him and he smashed every picture of the two of them he could find." At this point tears were constantly flowing from Ricky's eyes and Nini wiped the tears from his cheeks

"I don't know. My mom has left a few times but something about this time feels different Nini. I lost all hope that we'd be one big happy family yesterday. That's all I wanted for so long. I just wanted to be a happy family" he cried and Nini pulled him into her arms

"Ricky I had no idea that you were going through this"

"How could you? I never told anybody" he managed to get out. At this point the rain was pouring down and the clouds were starting to thunder

"I'm here for you okay Ricky? You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here" she said and he nodded. It felt nice to have her there for him.

Nini slightly kissed his forehead and allowed him to cry into her arms. Her heart hurt for him. He was keeping all this to himself and it was obviously taking a toll on him. A few minutes went by and Ricky was still in Nini's Arms. He was no longer crying, they were just enjoying being in each other's embrace

Nini wanted to always be there for him. She obviously couldn't ignore her feelings for the boy and especially now knowing his story, she wanted to stay by his side

"Let's try this"

"What?" He asked sitting up

"Let's try us"

"You don't have to do this because I opened up to you Nini. I know you have a reputation to uphold. We can just be friends if you want. As long as you're in my life" he said and she shook her head

"No, I like you Ricky. I wanna try us. I wanna be here for you. I want you to feel comfortable talking to me like you were today"

"I like you too Nini. I really do"

"Here's the thing though Ricky. I have a reputation to uphold and so do you. My parents really don't like you"

"I kinda figured" he chuckled

"So let's keep us a secret"

"A secret?"

"Yeah, you'll go about your day like you normally would and I will too, but when we're alone we can do all the lovey dovey cutesy stuff. We won't tell anyone"

"That's actually a great idea"

"Us?" Nini held her pinky out

"Us" Ricky interlocked his pinky with hers

Byeee cause they're the cutest! Molly and Deanna bullied me into another chapter so here y'all go. I hope y'all enjoyed and tysm for reading!

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