Chapter 28

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Nini and Ricky laid in his bed as they held each other as tight as they could. They loved being in each other's company because together they felt like nothing could possibly hurt them. Nothing could possibly go wrong as long as they were together

Ricky's dad had to work late hours and his mom still hadn't come back since the night she left.

"Any word from your mom?" Nini asked. She knew it was a sensitive topic of discussion for Ricky but he didn't mind talking about it to her. She was in fact the only one who he really talked about it to.

Ricky simply shook his head, he'd become numb to the whole situation of his mother. At first he was hurt, really hurt that she's walk out on him and his dad like that.

Soon enough that hurt turned to anger. He was angry that she wasn't even trying. She didn't even try to hear his dad's side of the story she just went assuming.

After the anger subsided he went numb. Which was where he was at now. Numb.

"She hasn't even asked me how I am. She left and never looked back. But it's been pretty peaceful around the house. I don't have to constantly hear her and my dad argue"

"I'm sorry baby, I hate that you have to go through this"

"I'll be fine. Plus how can I be upset when I have you here by my side?" Ricky said as Nini looked him in the eyes with a smile

He bent his head down slightly to meet her lips laying a passionate kiss on them.

"Can I be honest with you?" Nini asked

"Always" Ricky said now somewhat concerned

"I'm scared. The stupid dinner with Nate and my parents is tonight and I hate that I have to fake this relationship. I wanna be with you and only you"

"What exactly are you scared about? That the dinner will go bad?"

"No, I'm pretty sure it'll go fine, hopefully. But baby you should've seen the way that my dad's face turned red when he thought it was you I posted. There's not one bone in his body that likes you and I like you SO much. We can't keep us a secret forever and I'm scared that when everything comes out, everything will go left"

"I understand that Angel but we will be fine as long as we have each other. Together we can get through anything, and I'm sure your dad will warm up to me eventually. But that's another days problem. We don't have to worry about that right now"

"You're right" Nini smiled slightly and Ricky planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You busy tomorrow night?"

"No why?" Nini said with a smile

"I wanna take you on another date" Ricky smiled. He knew this new spot that just opened up out there and he really wanted to take her to it. It was fancy but not too fancy. He thought it'd be perfect for them

"Are you actually gonna tell me what it is this time?

"Nope" Ricky smiled popping the P  and Nini playfully frowned earning a laugh from Ricky "so I'll pick you up at 8?" Ricky asked and Nini nodded

"If you're not gonna tell me where we're going, you could at least kiss me to make up for it" Nini smiled

"Oh yeah"

"Yeah" Nini said lightly gripping the back of his neck and bringing his lips to touch hers


Nini straightened up her dress that she put on for the dinner that was about to take place. She couldn't help that part of her was slightly nervous.

She gave Nate a strict list of topics to talk about, and the story of how they got together along with what they did their first date, and how they had their first kiss.

Nini had to make sure that everything went smoothly for her parents. She couldn't have any slip ups.

As Nini fixed her hair slightly the doorbell rang and she took a deep breath heading downstairs.

Cece let Nate in and Nini plastered a fake smile onto her face.

"Hey babe" Nini placed her arm around Nate sending a jolt of electricity through his body

"Hey babe" Nate said as they made their way into the dining area where all the food was laid out.

You could tell Nini's dad was uncomfortable but was trying his best to accept that his daughter was now dating

"Hi Mr.Roberts" Nate said nervously. Even though him and Nini were fake dating he still needed to make a good impression on her father

"Hello Nate" Lenord said as he took a seat at the table. Cece took the seat next to him and Nini and Nate sat together.

"So Nate, tell us a little bit about yourself" Cece said as she helped herself to some food for herself

"Well I'm originally from the upper east side of New York. Around the time I was 13 my dad got a job offer here so we moved. It was kind of tough getting used to the new town but Nini was always so nice to me. It made the move a little easier" Nate said and Nini looked at him and smiled genuinely. She never knew that

"I'm super into music production, and business. I've been playing around with a few ideas where I can combine the two but nothing too serious" He said and Nini smiled at him intrigued. She never knew any of this about him

"That's really nice" Cece smiled and nudged Lenord

"Yeah uh that's really nice son" Lenord voiced

"How'd you two end up together? I would've asked Nini but I thought it'd be nice to ask while I have both of you hear" Cece said and Nini was relieved that she sent Nate their 'back story'. That way there won't be anyway the stories won't match up.

"Well it all started when Nate came to ask me to the dance." Nini laughed slightly

"I was probably the most nervous that I've ever been" Nate chimed in

"I found it so cute that he was nervous, but wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the dance at all. So I thought about it and I eventually told him yes"

"Which I was very happy to hear. I went out that night and bought a tux for the dance"

"That night he just swept me off my feet. The minute that we danced I knew that my feelings for him would just continue to get stronger"

Hearing Nini say that about him kind of made him sad. He deeply wished that it was really want happened, but he knew that if they were meant to happen then in time they would.

For the rest of dinner Cece continued to ask them questions and it went almost perfectly. Lenord still wasn't used to the idea of his daughter dating but he was just thankful it wasn't the troublemaker Richard Bowen.

Ahhh chapters back to back! I'm proud lol. But yeah the dinner went well and Rini is thriving ( for now) lol but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and tysm for reading!

𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙚|𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝘼𝙪 (𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon