13. Etheral

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What is stronger than the human hear, Which shatters over and over againand still lives

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What is stronger than the human hear,
Which shatters over and over again
and still lives.


The sound of rustling waters did little to nothing in efforts at easing my nerves.

The idea of mates generally had snuck its way into my mind as I tried to fight back the thoughts of my translucent, implacable mate, who now seems to haunt me in the back of my pulsating brain.

No matter what I do or did, somehow Alexander is all that I can think about.

I'd been given a nightgown which pooled at just above my knees, rocking with each fleeting step I took, and the only sound that could be heard was the crutching of leaves in between my calloused toes that I'm sure grew tarnished.

Mrs Hart- Heidi I meant, walked silently beside me and I have to admit — I couldn't entirely recognize her anymore as my year long English, semi history teacher.

Something about her grew distant despite her shoulder that occasionally bristled past my own, and every time she did little action such as stealing a peak at me —her hair would flow delicately past her ears. I have to admit, I wasn't entirely use to seeing her like that. Filled with youth and liveliness.

"You never answered my question before." She started for conversing.

I don't try to hide the roll of my eyes as I crossed my arms across my chest out of agitation, and that's when her annoying voice rung over in my ears again from her previous inquire, how are things between you and my brother? Oh wouldn't she like to know. It's kind of ironic.

"Considering I ended up on my damn near death bed, you'd think things were kind of whimsical and fairy-tallish." I display a forced smile which made her giggle, though deep down, I thought it was far from comical.

Heidi shrugs while also wrapping her arm over me out of playfulness, "You know- all you have to do is accept him and I swear that little mark would lessen in pain." She suggested, and as of right on cue I winced simultaneously upon a leaf brushing against it.

Without a second to spare I had my palm cupping around the bloody area to shield. I'm sure I've been a sleep for an awfully long time, had no one nursed me or I'm just that fragile?

Heidi smirked which I corresponded to with poking out my tongue. I think I liked her better during the awkward silence.

"You know this whole situation is a big joke." I said what I'd been long thinking.

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