07. Virtue

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cover by TaeTaeGinger88

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cover by TaeTaeGinger88

The gods envy us
They envy us because we're mortal.

- Homer


The night became pungently alive, as it began with hungry growls and the sliding of their underbellies against saturated soil planes. The air swarmed with tension, thinning the oxygen they breathed as their lungs pledged to collapse. To which blinking eyes fell closed wonderfully without fret, without sanctuary, between the advances made beyond their trail of malevolence.

Vera Lee raced— zipping past the tree lines as numerous branches ripped open, plunging deeply against the flesh between her thighs as the cold blood trickled, down her sweaty legs leaving a dank residue. Her ambition was the only thing that kept her striving, hastily without appetite. Buckling knees were whining from relay.

It was either the quivering tendons in her swollen veins or Mavis's tightly closed fist repetitively clamping down against her backside, to keep her pace forward. The adrenaline was a distraction as it crashed against her nerves louder than any tidal wave against murky waters aside rocks.

Suddenly Eve fell to her knees bashfully, for the second time, which seemed like the hundredth.

"Why are you hunched over onto your knees like that. You are slowing us down."Vera shouting these words as if they were poisonous, saliva escaping her bitterness being spat on the flustered Eve's face.

Vera rolled Eve onto her side, inspecting her for any visible wounds to the eye and there weren't any.

Eve shakes violently as bile rose to the back of her throat, sweat decorating her cheeks whilst she took labored inhalation collectively in.

What Vera found shocking most subconsciously makes her release a gasp in utter shock. She suspected a cut or maybe reddening bites from insects, anything but a prominent baby bump poking out from underneath Eve's sundress.



Even disgust wavered the air between the two females as Vera's heart took on an unearthly pace, flaring nostrils before shaking Eve in way she'd plea to gargle her wasted intestines. Eve's jaw ticked, with a heavy stomach only a reminder soon she'd hurl.

Her once golden tresses that Vera admired so greatly became dirtied being scattered beyond her face, even her dress was hoisted up to reveal her short and stubby legs. Vera clasps her hand over her forehead, wiping the sweat away as she stared into the ground with a look of... disappointment.

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