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(A/N: the next two chapters will be a continuation, taking place during the period between chapters 31-35 after Lionel is imprisoned by Alexander.


You look so strong,
But I know you're tired.


"If only you knew how beautiful you were Vera," The tone of Lionel's voice is clipped and dripping with need as he alluded me in, to step closer towards his containment.

I stepped precariously closer, only to be burned by the medal doors which spill with lethal toxins to werewolves, its deadly enough to scorch my skin; arising blisters. Now I was starting to regret telling Heidi to let me talk to her brother Lionel, alone.

I've never felt like a stranger inside of my own skin before and the only now do I focus on the lucid temptation that escapes from Lionel's voice. The tenderness that milked around him was purely intoxicating, or that could've been the aroma from the toaster strudel which I hid in my pocket.

Was it really him caged behind bars or was I on the opposite end of another enclosure, keeping us apart. My heart grew cold, seething at the distance between me and the glistening arrays of this male, I half admittedly shared a bond with.

"I don't think you really know yourself, Vera." I watch absentmindedly, as my skin shrivels with the purple venom; also known as wolfsbane.  Slowly my mouth laid agape at the aging burn that turned red until a darkening orange,

"In fact I don't think you remotely know your purpose or story like I do," He tries again to break away from the chains that restrained him as I sneered at the spreading wound that was created on my palm, but my mind was else where. "I can change that." He promised.

"I can change you."

My barrier, my restrain was an invisible hand wrapped around my neck with its finger's entangled into my hair. Lionel's agenda was infernally hidden,  hindering  me in a way I was face down, with my feet tucked underneath my stomach. Though I relatively called and labeled it as anxiety. "I do know who I am,"I retort back to Lionel.

Lionel only shakes his head, denying me of my truth. Had I known and was too afraid to admit myself of the lie I justly commit to. I tried to convince myself, I knew my path— I still had a future.

Only able to mumble five words, I was more than afraid my voice would betray me and give out into a squeak. "You don't know a thing." Lionel clears his throat after he says this, but here I was focusing on the blemish my hand undergoes.

From what I gathered, Lionel was a man of many words... maybe that was the distinction between him and Adonis and maybe even...Alexander. "Why do you say that," I ask fully concerned. Lionel shrugs lowly before slacking into the dark wall that seemed to consume him. His chains were heart wrenching to see, Lionel was more than bruised. He was broken while trying to dictate my own life.

Even under restriction he torments me wondrously like everyone else does. All I wanted to know was the answers everyone has been keeping from me that had been overriding my subconscious, since I learned of this thing called the iron date. "Stop doing that!" I shout at the egoistic Lionel.

He's wiggling his eyebrows while eating the pain of the chains coated in wolfsbane, is horrific.
He almost had me fooled that he didn't mind it either, until he finally winces aloud for my eager ears to hear.

One thing about the alpha that I noticed, he could do it.

He could succumb throughout endless torment. The way he would laugh while accepting punch after blow pursued by Alexander, he would smirk even with a bloody nose like a victorious man even when he was loosing. He was the kind of guy who'd chuckle even in the face of death. Though, he'd never truly go defeated.

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