Chapter 1: New Player

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Chapter 1: New Player

Star City: January 4th, 23:47 PST:

After a less than graceful encounter with the infamous Vandal Savage, Green Arrow was hobbling in the back alleys of the city with wounds that were received during their exchange. Of course, he was able to foil the plans of the villain but received a few broken ribs, a deep cut to the shoulder, and a bullet wound too. He was also pretty positive that the weapons were laced with poison as well.

He and his partner, Speedy, were separated when trying to avoid the police from any encounter in fear that they would be forced to go to the hospital and risk his identity being exposed. He had ordered for Speedy to get back home and that he was fine and going to the Justice League headquarters to get patched up. Now regretting his decision as he slid down the alley wall clutching his side. Unable to contact Speedy or reach a zeta tube because he broke his communicator during the fight, he was stranded alone. Or so he thought.

On the ledge above him stood a figure in black with orange detailing staring at the strangely dressed up man in green. Though, Akira did not have much room to talk about being strangely dressed as she adorned strange attire as well. Looking at the man in green piqued her curiosity, but soon was able to see how greatly wounded he was.

She recalls the man's alias name: Green Arrow. One of the heroes of this world is part of a team called the Justice League that protects the innocents. When she came to this world, many things had surprised her from the culture to the technology, but what surprised her the most were these heroes with phenomenal abilities that fight against opponents with sinister plans. She admired them for their selflessness.

In her old world, she had a hero complex. She would always try to help people. Her family, and friends worried about her. They thought that one day she would not come back from her attempts in saving people. Her compassion for others and using killing as a last resort might end up being her downfall in the eyes of her loved ones. Following old habits from her old world, she was discreetly helping those in need. She still kept herself hidden. She had hoped no one had taken notice of her, that would make her plans for staying out of sight complicated.

This brings up her current dilemma. Should she help him or not? Regardless, she wouldn't hesitate to help someone in need, but she didn't want to bring attention to herself. Additionally, if she helped him, she would surely be on the Justice Leagues' radar which will end her short-lived time of peace. She didn't want to be noticed. The times she did help someone, she was sure they were either unconscious or concealed her presence to avoid detection. The girl didn't desire fame, fortune, or gratitude. She just wanted to help people.

Her choice was decided when he finally collapsed onto the ground in the alleyway. Her moral compass being too strong to consider rationality, she took out a special kunai and stuck it to the ground beside her. She quickly checked for any other presence other than her own and the vigilante's. Then leaped down to the alleyway and landed with no sound, like a shadow.

She checked the hero to find he had passed out. She began to check out his injuries to find two broken ribs, a deep gash on the shoulder, a bullet wound through the abdomen, poison flowing in his system, and bruises and scratches littered around his body.

She put his arm around her shoulder and teleported to the kunai she left on the roof. She quickly made a makeshift triage area to keep him clean from the dirtied roof while she treated him.

She proceeded to first check the bullet wound. It was lucky that the bullet went straight through and didn't hit any vital organs. So she let chakra flow to her hand to which it glowed green and quickly healed the back of the wound but kept the front open so she could try to drain the poison. However, the other wounds needed attention first. She hovered her hands over the cut and broken bones which mended within a few minutes. After they were healed, the next part was tricky. She had to focus her chakra to separate the blood from the poison and proceed to drain it out. Her hands hovered over him as the poison slowly came out of the wound. It was a slow process. But surely enough, almost all the poison was out of his system. She healed the wound in fear that he lost too much blood, but there was still a bit of poison in his system. She looked at whatever poison came out of his system and soon recognized it. It was a sort of snake venom that was commonly used by some ninjas back at Konoha. She always carried around a variety of herbs to make a remedy if need be, so she took out her supplies and quickly whipped up the antidote. She used some fire jutsu to heat up the medicinal concoction and quickly fed it to the vigilante. Because of the amount of blood that he lost, he would need a transfusion. However, considering the circumstance, she could not get any access to any blood supply.

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