Chapter 13: Bereft

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Chapter 13: Bereft

Bialya: September 4th:

3rd POV:

Robin staggered through the dessert slightly disoriented. He supports himself on a rock formation as he tries to regain his focus and strength. Suddenly, he hears a rumbling of vehicles.

He quickly hides as the vehicle full of armored soldiers pass by. "Those are Biyalan Republic Army uniforms." He pulls up his hologlove screen. "But what are they doing in-" his eyes widened. "Biyala?! Okay, better question: what am I doing in Bialya-" Then he sees the date. "In September?! What happened to March?! Better radio Batman." He was about to use his comm when a fuzzy memory surfaced into his thoughts of his last memory of Batman.

"Or not," he muses before flipping off the rock and landing on the ground. Then he spots something that catches his attention. Stuck to a rock, he finds a black piece of fabric with the House of El symbol on it. His eyes scrutinized the shirt.


... -ake up. Wake up!

Kitsu shoots up into a sitting position with her kunai at the ready. Seeing as she was alone, she relaxed.

What happened?

You dolt! You've been out for several hours! How can you be so stupid to let your defenses down like that?! Kurama ranted in her mind.

Kitsu let herself go to the mindscape so she could talk to him face to face.

What happened? I don't recognize this place. Where are we? Akira questioned.

Kurama slammed his fist down on Akira's head.

What the hell was that for?! She yelled at the beast, waving her fist in his direction.

You dumbass! You let your mind barriers down too much and some intruder scrambled it up! Because you didn't react fast enough, you suffered some of the feedback from the intruder! Kurama screamed back. He took a deep sigh before he spoke again. What is the last thing you remember?

Kitsu though for a moment before she spoke. I remember we had just operated on several League members after they fought an odd creature. It's March right?

You dolt! It's September! That guy really fucked over your memory. Kurama rubbed his temples.

Kitsu was shocked to have lost so much of her memories, but she remained calm to stay focused on the situation. You think you can help me regain my memories?

Kurama scoffed. What do you expect me to do? I'm not going to let my host stammer around like an idiot. Let's hurry up and get this done and over with.

Kitsu sat on the ground and began to meditate. Steadily regaining her lost memories.


Night falls across the desert as Robin trenches through the sandy wasteland. He follow the red dot that he has pinned on his holo glove. "I wish I could remember why I put a GPS marker here." He looks at the dune and finds an odd metal machine box sitting out in the open. "Guessing that's why."

He jumps down into the dune, only to realize that it was a trap as soldiers armed with guns popped out of the sand (like daisies!) and had him surrounded. One of them yells out orders for the others to hear and they all charge towards the young hero.

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