Chapter 42: Kaze to daichi ni nari nasai

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Chapter 42: Kaze to daichi, ni nari nasai

Washington D.C.; 00:16 EST:

Roy had barely escaped the Hall of Justice as his pursuers were close on his tail. He was on the train tracks, underground. 

He stopped to notch an arrow, taking cover behind a wall. But even the sliver of his face that peeked around the wall was nearly speared by an arrow shot by his mentor. 

Flash came at him as he speed punched the young man. Another arrow was shot at him, he barely had enough time to get out of the way as the arrow exploded, knocking him off his feet. He looked up to see Aquaman coming out of the smoke and tried to swing his bow at him, but it shattered upon impact. The Atlantean uppercut his chin, the redhead flew backwards. 

Roy landed with a painful thud. Blood was coming out of his cuts and nose from the attacks of the Justice Leaugers. He wasn't able to catch a break as a train whistle went off, closing the distance between him and the vehicle. 

The train was about to run him over, but he was able to slip under the sewer vent just in time as it passed overhead. When the train had finally passed, he was gone. 

Leaving Green Arrow, Aquaman, and the Flash in the subway tunnel by themselves.

Mount Justice, Happy Harbor; 07:16 EST:

"We have reason to feel proud of yesterday's victories," Aqualad said as they walked though the hall. "But one thing has not changed."

"They are too informative about our situation," Kitsu notes.

"Somehow, the bad guys are still getting inside intel about us," Robin stated. 

"Yeah," Kid Flash spoke up. "But at least we know none of us are the mole."

"That's correct," Batman spoke as they entered the main room. Red Tornado by his side. "The mole was Red Arrow."

Everyone starred in shock as Batman pulled up an image of Roy. Aqualad eyes widened in shock of the revelation that his best friend was the traitor. But Kitsu stood frozen as she starred at the image. 

She couldn't believe it. There was no way it could have been him. Or at least not willingly. If he wanted to harm the team, she would have sensed it. But there was no intent that notion this at all. 

"Roy?" Robin gawked.

"No way!" Kid Flash protested. 

"Batman, that cannot be," Aqualad protested. "He was green Arrow's protege. We have all known him for years."

Kitsu stepped forward. "At no given point did I ever sense ill intent from him towards myself or the team. Despite his anger or indifference."

"Unfortunately, the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years is another Cadmus clone," Red Tornado reveals. 

"We've learned the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick," Batman elaborated. "The clone was pre-programmed with a drive to join the Justice League. Which is why he was so angry over any delays to his admission and why he refused to join the team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone, or a traitor. And his subconscious programming drove him to become League worthy."

Ktisu's heart sank. This was how they knew who she was. She had been so careful to conceal her identity, and yet she gave front row view for them to exploit. And all the deep talks she ever had wit him were used against her to their advantage. It was so easy to twist her around their fingers with all she had divulged to the clone, Roy Harper.

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