Side story: Trick or Treat?

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Side story: Trick or Treat?

Happy Harbor:

3rd POV:

(Per request)

Akira and Robin stepped out of the hidden entrance that led to the residential area of Happy Harbor.

They subtly were able to shift into the crowd without any questions as there were many children out and about trick or treating. And surprisingly enough, a few groups were consistent of people close to or of their age.

"So people just go up and say 'trick or treat' and they get candy?" Akira eyed the pillowcases they had swiped from the temp rooms in the cave.

"Yup," Robin grin happily as he swung there hands between them.

Akira couldn't help but raise a brow. "What if they don't give you candy?"

"Well, that's where they 'trick' comes in as you would prank them. But that rarely ever happens," he beamed.

Chuckling softly, she shook her head. "This seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Asking a random stranger for candy or pranking them seems a bit out of context. What if someone were to slip poison into your candy? Or a tracker? Couldn't this lead to dangerous situations?"

Robin dramatically huffed. "You worry to much. You need to feel the aster more if you wanna really experience the spirit of Halloween. Yes, those things can happen, but the parents are there to be on the lookout for those things as well as the police to keep them in check."

Robin noticed a flash of sorrow cross the girl's face before he quickly added on. "Besides, us heroes won't let those people get away with it." He puffed his chest to emphasize his point.

Akira let out a small laugh at his exasperation. "Fine, but this world has some weird holidays."

He simply shrugged before holding out his arm to her. "As you wish. Shall we?"

Akira rolled her eyes at his corny gesture, but she still smiled as she looped her arm into his. "If we must," she feigned.

For the next hour or so, they went from house to house, knocking on doors and getting candy. Some of the folks cooed at their cute costumes while others coddled on them, but it was all in good fun. Though skeptical at first, Akira soon found the fun in trick or treating as they progressed with Robin leading the way.

He portrayed a gentleman antics with each house they visited which made the ninja giggle from the silliness of it all. 

After getting a considerable haul, they decided to splurge into a bit of their spoils as they watch the other children enjoy their night out. They were sitting on a bench of a bus stop that let them rest and watch children roam about. 

"Why would they call this candy corn if its not made out of corn?" Akira eyed the classic candy in her hand as she nibbled a piece of it. Her face morphed into disgust, "It's just pure sugar with horrible food coloring. Fast-track ticket to rotting teeth."

"Those are the worst candies you could get," Robin stated as he opened a Hersheys bar and bit off a corner. "It's cheap candy, no one eats those."

"Then why bother giving them out if no ones going to eat them?" She asked as she grabbed another piece from her bag. This time, it was cookie M&M's. 

"It's a halloween classic despite the crappy quality of them," He spoke with his mouth full of chocolate. 

Akira opened the pack and popped a blue m&m in her mouth, her eyes lit up with sparkles. "I like this one," she commented. 

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