Chapter 25: Humanity

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Chapter 25: Humanity:

Tokyo, Japan: 00:57 JPNT:
3rd POV:

Akira kneeled in front of the shrine, basked in the moonlight of the quiet night. Not a single emotion written on her face but a blank expression.

Things were going back to normal as they could be. Relationships were healing and her hero/vigilante work had been going smoothly.

It was still odd for the others to see her for who she was. At times they would treat her like a child, but they were quickly reminded that she was no mere normal child as she would put them in their place. A lesson well learned by the Flash when he cooed about how cute she was which ended up with him being stuck to the ceilings for hours.

Things with the team have been better too as they saw her in a new light. Though the dynamic had slightly shifted, they still treated her relatively the same except with more affection.

But today, this very day, was a haunting memory for her.

Akira had been having a very rough night. She was out of it. Her shift in the infirmary was slow. When someone did come in, their conversation was very brief. But the majority of the time, she kept on fading out of the conversations.

She had finally started training again a few days ago and it's been roughly over a week since she had woken up. But her training session earlier that day had been unproductive for she kept loosing focus. She fell into the water three times because she lost her concentration when her thoughts took over her focus.

Which brings back to why she was kneeling solemnly in front of the shrine. Taking the framed photo from its place, she neatly placed in on top of a scroll she had already prepared to store the frame away in. Once she held up a handseal, the frame poofed from its place and disappeared. She then rolled it up and tucked it into her hip seal.

Standing up, she went to her closet and slid it open, revealing her very limited wardrobe. Akira had brought some of the clothes the heroes of Star City had gotten her. But anything she knew she wouldn't wear was dropped off anonymously at an orphanage.

She reached for the shelf above to grab a beautifully made black box with golden details of a koi fish swimming on its corners.

Removing the box, she spotted something that was hidden behind it. Completely forgetting about it, she reached for the lavender-silk wrapped item. The item was long and thin in the wrapped cloth. She had forgotten that she had brought this, but could never bring herself to actually look at it after that day.

Something told her to bring it with her for the day, so she added it to the storage scroll before she began to take off her uniform, starting with the cloak.

Batman had been able to replicate her old uniform and gave her a new one with some subtle upgrades. One of them being a higher quality fabric that doesn't tear of burn as easily as well as a computer display in her visor shield. There were a couple other technological upgrades, but Akira had turned them down due to the lack of necessity for them as she could do many of the things on her own. Other than those upgrades, the uniform had looked exactly the same.

Just as she was about to take off the rest of her gear, Akira felt her glove vibrate for there was a message sent to her. Turning on her hologlove, she received a message informing her she was late for training.

Akira sighed, she was not in the mood to be around people today. Can this day get any worse? Quickly, she clasped her cloak on once again. Taking the contents out of the box she grabbed earlier, she packed it into a backpack instead of a scroll for later purposes.

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