Chapter 2: Discovered

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Chapter 2: Discovered

Gotham City; February 10th, 21:23 EST

Batman's POV:

It's been nearly a month since the new person showed up. There's little to no evidence that the stranger even exists other than a few claims of people around the state who have mysteriously been healed or saved on the streets. Some had claimed to be saved by a shadow, others claimed to pass out from some sort of injury and wake up to be miraculously healed.

There is no real pattern to his activity, so it's been hard to track or predict his movements. Luckily, it seems like the villains aren't aware of him either. Whoever this was was really good at covering their tracks, and that's saying something.

Dick and I were on patrol and we split up in order to cover more ground. It was awfully quiet tonight.

I spoke too soon.

I intercepted a report of a robbery in progress. I got out my grappling hook and started making my way in the direction of the robbery.

I arrived at the scene to see about ten thugs holding the security guards hostage at gunpoint. There were no police yet. So it was just me. I radioed Robin to come to my location as soon as possible as it was going to be a bit difficult to take all the thugs down with hostages there as well with the heavy weaponry they were armed with.

I snuck to the top of the building unnoticed. I peered down through the glass ceiling to observe the situation further. One of the security guards was severely injured. He had a knife stuck in his abdomen and was bleeding out.

I couldn't wait around any longer or the man was going to bleed out. I dropped a smoke pellet and leapt from the ceiling into the middle of the room.

3rd POV:

Prior to the robbery, Akira was sitting on the rooftops eating a sandwich she bought earlier today. Since being in this world, she didn't expect to see so many tall buildings gathered into one area. Not to mention there were multiple places like this.

She realized soon after her arrival, she should have brought some more casual clothes in order to blend in. She decided to pack very light and only packed her shinobi gear and all of her savings with her to this world. She was lucky to be able to exchange her money for American currency. One of the first things she did was buy a pair of simple casual clothes that consisted of a white crop top, jeans, a grey hoodie, and a black collared jacket. When it was during the day, she would wear these in order to avoid suspicion when she needed to get food or do other things in public. She could have just used the transformation jutsu, but why waste chakra?

Another thing she realized in this world is that you had to be a certain age and have certain paperwork in order to get anything like an apartment or to even stay at a motel. So she was homeless at the moment. Though after all the missions that she completed, this was really nothing. So for the past two months, she has been traveling the country with no real destination in mind.

It was nice to live a traveler's life. She got to see and learn new things. She was always a sucker for knowledge like her grandma Haruno. During the day, she would go as a civilian to explore and discover new things. She would spend her time at the library and learn new things as well as acquaint herself with a computer which came in handy. Luckily, the libraries had sections for other languages like Japanese. She was able to learn from there, but still struggled with English. When she wasn't at the library, she would walk around the city and explore what the world had to offer. One of her favorite things so far in this world is ice cream. If she could, she would eat it all the time. At night, she travels in the cover of darkness to help with hiding her fast abilities. She barely stayed at one place for longer than a day.

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