Side Story: Training

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Side story: Training

(Taken place before Failsafe)

Something to sedate y'alls hunger for a new update. Enjoy and Akira will be back soon!

Mount Justice; 07:00 EDT:

Sometime after the fight with the Justice League...

Akira entered the main hall and stretched out her limbs to pop out the minor kinks. Since moving into the mountain, she has found it hard to settle in. There was just too much on her mind; like how in the world did the world's most deadliest mercenary find her home? And what he said, was it true? Could there really be a traitor amongst them?

Too many questions and not enough answers.

Not to mention the decision of whether or not she should accept the Star city couple's offer. What was she supposed to say? Yes? What would that mean for her? What would it mean for them? Not to even mention how Roy would even react to the whole situation, granted she hasn't been able to speak to him for awhile.

But there was one other thing that has been ebbing away at her. What of a certain Gothamite hero? She hasn't been too oblivious, but she also didn't want to read too deeply into the situation. She has no experience in this area. Sure there has been boys who had asked her out and such, but she could never return their feelings; until now.

He was kind and passionate about being a hero. Though he could get a bit blindsided by his own pride, he his confidence in himself and in the team was so enticing that one couldn't help but to be charmed by his stride. And he truly cared for the well-beings of others, though a bit too nosy at times.

Deciding to put her thoughts off to the side for the time being, she dropped her equipment before proceeding to drag the standing boxing bag that she had swiped from he gym. She pulled off the black hoodie, revealing the black sweatpants and lavender shirt underneath (What can she say? She likes purple).

She placed the bag at the center of the room before proceeding to the opposite side. Measuring the spot she was previously standing at, she was satisfied with the location. She quickly flipped through some handseals before slamming her palm into the ground; a stone pillar protruded from the ground in front of her.

Twirling out a kunai, she slashed an x-target spot onto the pillar before proceeding back to where she had started. Rummaging through her things before pulling out a pair of headphones and pulled on her costumed hologloves carefully under her amethyst bracelet.

Since her old gear got trashed after the fight with the Injustice League, she had to get replacements for her stuff. Courtesy of Robin, he also helped with some upgrades to her gear. When it became of knowledge that Akira wasn't from this dimension, he had asked her about things that she hasn't really got to experience since being here. One of those things was the music taste of this world. Thus, he installed a music streaming service called "Spotify" to her hologolve.

At first, she thought that he was being silly. But out of boredom, she gave the feature a shot. Since then, she has been in a rabbit hole of music. Listening almost to anything and everything (except for country). The music from home, was very limited and traditional. But music was never a really big thing back for the people of the Shinobi world. But in this world, music was almost everything.

Snapping on her violet headphones (gifted by Wally during her birthday), she turned on her hologlove and played a random playlist. Letting the rhythm carry her thoughts away.

Though she wouldn't typically listen to music while training, this exercise was an exception for it lacked mental concentration and required more instincts. Being repetitious, it could get boring after awhile. So a little music wouldn't hurt to have in the background.

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