Chapter 29: Ties

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Chapter 29: Ties

Star City:

Akira blinked the bleariness from her eyes while adjusting to the morning light.

At first, she was confused as to where she was; eyeing the luxury that surrounded. When her memory caught up to her, she finally remembered moving into her new home.

Slipping out of the bed, she slid on some slippers  before starting her day.

She ended up accepting the Star City heroes' offer and finally moved into the Queen's estate to live under Dinah and Oliver's care. However, both parties were finding it difficult to each other's presence.

For instance, Akira wasn't quite used to their luxury lifestyle. Though she wasn't exactly ever uncomfortable in terms of living, its' never been too lavish either. Her family may have quite the bloodline and legacy to be able to indulge in such luxury, they never found a reason to really splurge themselves. Which brings back to the topic.

The luxurious furniture and lavish decor made Akira slightly on edge. Though she wasn't very familiar with Western customs or even their style of luxury, she could assume that the place must of cost a fortune at the very least. Queen Consolidated was in the ranks of the top 5 most successful businesses in the world. Though the couple assured her that they were practically all family heirlooms, that did nothing to reassure her that not only did they hold economical value, but also sentimental. Further stressing her.  

Akira looked at the mirror as she used one of their high-end face towels to pat her face dry. Her complexion was pale like usual. It had taken a day of rest for her to get back to it after the whole "internal imbalance" incident. They were insistent that she was to get further rest, but with a good stare down, they all backed off.

She walked into the closet and flipped on the switch. For the vast amount space that was provided to store all her garments, she only filled out a small section due to the lack of clothing that she had actually owned. In Japan, she rarely went out as it was as she was occupied by hero duties when she had any time for herself. Even with the clothes the couple had gotten for her for when she was staying at the mountain when she was recovering, it still wasn't much. Granted, she also told Dinah that the majority of it had been destroyed in the fight (but that was a lie as the more frillier garments were sent to a orphanage).

Dinah had promised to take her to get some garments (even though she had insisted that she really didn't need it, but lost to the woman's insistence), but their schedules never seem to align since moving in.

Typically during the daytime, Akira would be patrolling while the adults would attend their civilian lives like work. Then they would all have some time before the adults attended their patrol and Akira would head to the tower for her shift at the tower. Then they would all return to get some sleep. But on the first day that she had moved here, they gave her the day to settle and become accustomed to the new living space. The next day they were called in for a crisis via Justice League. Then Akira went to help with a natural disaster in Japan. Always just missing each other.

Akira stepped out of the closet wearing a lavender tight long-sleeve and black sweats. Looking at the clock, it was only 06:27 am. Still fairly early and the perfect time to get some exercise before leaving for patrol back in Tokyo. It was a relief they had a Zeta tube in their "Arrow Cave" so she could pop back and forth with little to no suspicion.

Peeking out of the hall, as expected, it was deserted. No one was usually up at this time except for her. She was typically an early riser, both out of habit and inconvenience. Sleep was never to kind to her either way.

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