Chapter 33: Coldhearted

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Chapter 33: Coldhearted

Mount Justice; 15:52 EST:

3rd POV:

"Right... there!" Artemis called up to M'ghann and Akira who were hanging up the red banner that read 'Happy Birthday Wally!' in yellow scripture. The Martian was levitating while the ninja was standing on the wall. The two secured the banner into place.

"That should be the last of the decoration," M'ghann beamed as she came back to the ground and looked at their handy work.

"How did you guys put my party together last minute?" Akira asked as she landed on the ground. "This seems a lot of work to put together with the time frame you guys were given."

"You're very simple to please," Robin said as he set the last of the presents onto the pile at the table. "Not saying that you are predictable, but you don't need the grand plan to find appreciation in the sentiment. Wally is all about the show."

Akira shrugged before walking over to the boy. "Fair enough."

She glanced over at the television that was silently playing the news as it covered the whether forecast of the ongoing snow storm going on outside. "It's really getting bad out there," Robin commented as he followed her gaze. "What's up?" Sensing the teen's unease.

Akira frowned at the screen. "Something is off."

The boy glanced at his girlfriend and cocked a suspicious frown. "How so?"

Akira starred at the screen a bit longer. "I'm not quite sure yet. Something about it feels unnatural. Like the air when we faced off against that android, Mr. Twister."

Robin copied the girls frown. He hoped nothing was wrong for the sake of his best friend's birthday. But at the same time, his girlfriends intuition is not one to take lightly either.

"I hope it's nothing, but let's not worry about it for now. If it's something, we'll deal with it then." There was no point of speculating about it for now if they didn't need to.

Pursing her lips, Akira let out a slight hum.

Robin knew she couldn't help it, it was her nature. He wished she wasn't always on edge. He wished that he could be enough to help her feel safe. But he knew his presence won't always be enough. Robin nudged her side. "What did you end up getting for him?" He asked in hopes to distract her.

Seeing as the topic wasn't going to go any further, she let him change the subject. "He may have super-speed and smarts, but sometimes he needs more than his powers to help him in such situations. He may even have moments where he isn't able to use his speed to defend himself."

Akira lifted her hem of her shirt to reveal her hip seal and pulled out a black cloth rapped tube that was about a forearm long. Unwrapping the cloth, she revealed a slim yellow casing with a red hilt with no guard of a tanto blade. Unsheathing it, she revealed the beautiful silver blade with lightning designs along the edge of it. "It wouldn't hurt to carry a weapon to at least protect himself. Plus, a tanto would be perfect to pair with his speed in close combat."

Robin whistled in admiration for the blade. "That's one hell of a gift. If he can use it."

"Yeah," Flash suddenly was by their side with a cake in each of his hands. "I'm all for the extra insurance and all, but he might hurt himself playing around with that thing. You sure about this?"

"I will train him to utilize it for his advantage." Sheathing the blade and wrapping it back up, Akira placed it on the table with the rest of the gifts. "I'll make sure of it."

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