Chapter 20: Revelation

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Chapter 20: Revelation

Mount Justice: 18:13 EDT:

Kitsu stood in the middle of the room, blindfolded and her ears blocked by earmuffs. Sensing the air shift around her, she ducks the first punch and blocks the second kick. Robin and Kaldur continue their attacks on the ninja as they work together to take her down. Trying to not just rely on her chakra abilities, hearing, or sight, she tries to expand her range in terms of the other senses. She can only feel the shift in the air at the last moments. Something she needed to improve on.

It's been a week since Kitsu came back to the team. She received a long lecture from the League for running off on her own, but in the end was coddled over as the members were just glad to have her back.

Especially with Oliver and Dinah. They would not leave her alone. Even Red Arrow got in contact with her as he checked in with her to make sure she was okay.

Things have been better with the team, she's been connecting more with the members than she was before.

Wally and her are on a more tolerable page. Superboy was relatively the same, maybe a bit more understanding. Kaldur and her come up with strategy and even moves for the teams to work on. Artemis and her have been working on aiming together. M'ghann still as bright as ever. And Robin, well, something has changed.

There had been some moments of awkwardness between them, especially when they would get looks from the team when they were together. Kitsu didn't know what had happened in that short period of time.

Robin had been acting strange around her. Definitely more flustered and unsure of himself around her, something she definitely picked up. She didn't want to say anything until he told her what was going on. So she didn't press.

Avoiding another attack, she leapt into the air as the two ran into each other. Robin and Kaldur both collapsed upon impact.

Shazam and Zatara watch with amusement.

Before they could reengage the spar, Connor and M'ghann approached the area with a white wolf by their side, smiling at each other. Catching both the boys' attention, they stopped in their sparring. Kitsu faced away from them as she is unaware of the paused sparing, waiting for their attacks.

"You know they're a couple, right?" Robin tells Aqualad.

"I believe I knew before they did," he smiles.

Kitsu started walking in the direction of the wall, trying to seek them out.

Just then, Wally and Artemis walked into the cave from the opposite direction.

"Do we tell them?" Robin gestures to the new arrivals.

"It's not our place," Aqualad stated sternly at the young teen.

Then they hear a thump and a thud, followed by a groan. Turning to their forgotten teammate, Kitsu was on the floor after running right into the wall. This is what happens when the majority of your senses are taken away.

Wally and Shazam were laughing while the others held an amused smile. Kaldur and Robin both looked at each other sheepishly before they went off to help their teammate up.

As Kitsu removed the earmuffs, her ears popping in the process, she groaned. "So much for my senses."

Robin had gotten to her first as she was removing the blindfold. "Sorry, we got a bit distracted," he replied with a sheepish grin.

Spotting the new arrivals, she saw the new couple being all cuddly with each other. "I see," she said as she dusted herself off.

"Apologies, we did not mean to get distracted," Aqualad told her as he approached.

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