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Opening her eyes, she found herself in a darkened room with an eerily golden glow. She looked around and found a familiar figure. "It's you again."

The horned headed man gave her smile as his purple ringed eyes studied her. "Just in time."

In his lap, a shrunken, much cuter, version of Kurama was curled up into a ball as he slept soundly. She starred in confusion as she sat in front of the humanoid man. 

Noticing, he let out a small chuckle. "He's wiped from having to fight off that wretched starfish."

But she starred at him critically, trying to decipher what his intentions were, but she couldn't sense any coming from him. "Who are you?"

The man smiled. "I am Hagormo, I met your Grandfather when he was about your age."

the girls eyes widened at this revelation. "You're the-"

"Yes, my child," he cuts her off. "But we are not here to discuss that. we are here to discuss you."

She looked puzzle. "Where am I?" But then she gave a solemn look. "I didn't make it, did I?"

Hagormo shook his head amusedly. "Not exactly."

He picked up the shrunken fox beast and set him on the ground gently as to not wake him. He grabbed a staff out of thin air. Intricate with the symbol of the sun on one side and the moon on the other. "There is life and death. Light and shadows. The Sun and the Moon," he balanced the staff on his palm. "And everything between."

"So I'm in between?" She answered hesitantly. 

He nodded in approval. "Very good, you are much brighter than your Grandfather was back in the day."

"But why am I here?" She asked. "I thought I would make it back to Konoha."

"You wouldn't have made it in time," he shook his head. "So it was my turn to intervene. Which by the way..."

He took his staff and used the sun side to poke at her gut. A soft glow radiated from it before fading back to normal. curious, she lifted her shirt and saw that the seal had been restored to its rightful state. 

"That's better," he sighs as he sets his staff to the side. "That takes care of that business."

"And the other?" She sensed there was more to this meeting than just a resealment. 

He stared at her with observing eyes, taking in her features. "When your Grandfathers healed their bonds of their past lives vendettas, the souls of my sons were able to pass peacefully. But their souls left an imprint on their kin that would be passed for the next generations to come. Have you wondered why you hadn't received any of your parents Kekkei Genkai?

She starred at him curiously and shook her head. "I just assumed it was because it was a recessive gene in me." It was known that not everyone could receive their clans Kekkei Genkei. They thought she was a sure shot of inheriting the Sharingan or the Byakugan. But she didn't develop any of them.

He hummed and stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Take a look," he gestured to the reflection below them. 

Curious, she looked in the reflection and gasped. Staring back at her, she didn't recognize those eyes. The veins around her eyes were prominent. The eyes were completely white with two tomoes spinning ever so slowly. It had the blankness of the Byakugan and the Tomoes of the Sharigan. A mutation of both. 

"What-how...?" She sputters.

"The Sharigan is stubborn like my son," he says. "With the imprints left behind by my sons, when you came into fruition, those imprints fused. Along with the traits that the imprint came from."

"So my father's Byakugan and my mother's Sharingan fused together because your son's souls fused together?" She pieced together confusedly. 

"More or less," he nodded. 

"But why haven't I been able to access it now?" She asked. 

"Because you were already tasked with such a great responsibility," he answered as he stroked the fur of the tired Kurama. "And to place you responsible with more power would be considered reckless. So I locked it away until I thought you were ready."

He waved his hand and the sky turned into stars. "I have seen the trial and tribulations that you have overcome."

Images of her memories flash by. Of the war. Her parents' death. Healing Green Arrow. Meeting the Team. Fighting for the bells. At the beach with Robin. Laughing with Roy. Fighting the Injustice League. Hugging Dinah. Scolding Green Lantern. Seeing Atlantis. Fighting the League. Being captured. Kissing Richard. 

She turned away to look at the being in front of her. "Then why bring me here to tell me now? And why did I have to be ready?"

"Because this life has great plans for you," Hagormo says. "A passage is sought after and explored. There may be wrong turns here and there, but you learn as you go and the destination is the outcome. But a path cannot be entitled to you for who are you to say how it will go."

She was not liking all these cryptic wording but she listened intently. 

"You can be a doer of many, but you will also be a master of none," he said in cryptics. "If this genkai had found you along with the responsibiilty of being a jinchuriki, you'll be pulled in too many directions."

"So I had to master being a Jinchuriki first before I could access my genkai?" She concluded. "Why do you need all the cryptics?"

But he simply chuckled. "This is a kekkei genkai that even I have not seen before. Therefore, it was best that you got the handle of your other abilities and build a foundation from there before trying to understand the abilities of your eyes. That Is why I am offering for you to stay and train with me until you have a handle on your genkai. Because if the future has it, you will need all the help you can get."

"What's in the future?" She asked curiously. 

He starred at her with a smirk. "What fun would that be."

She sighed and looked down at her reflection. Staring at the new set of eyes as they starred back at her. If something was going, then she had to be prepared. She had to be ready to protect those that she loved. 

Closing her eyes, she sent a silently apology to her loved ones. Knowing that in her heart that she had to do this. But knowing that not learning could risk their safety. Even if she was learning on her won, she could end up hurting them with this new power. Something she never wants to do.  

Looking back up, she starred at him with determination. The tomoes spinning faster in a circle. 

The celestial being smiled at her with a proud look. "Then we have some work to do."


A boy stood in front of the tall window that overlooked the planet below. His friend walked up beside him and crossed his arms as he too starred out at the planet. 

"You alright?" Wally asked his best friend. 

But the teen stood still as he starred out to the vast space. A blank expression written allover his face. "Robin was someone I became in memory of bringing justice to those who couldn't do it for themselves," he spoke. "But over the years, Robin is only seen as Batman's crime fighting partner."

Wally starred at his friend curiously. "So, what now?"

"I want to be a great hero," he says. Remembing her last words. "But I can't do that if people still see me as little boy wonder Robin."

Wally was beginning to catch on. "Then who will you be?"

The teen looked out to the blue planet and was in awe of its deep blue hue. 

My hane. 

My wing.


To be continued...

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