Chapter 30: Secrets

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Chapter 30: Secrets

Arrow Cave: 19:32:

3rd POV:

Akira starred at the Zeta tube with hesitation. Her palms felt sweaty under her gloves.

It's been a week since she had gone to see the team. She hasn't even talked to them since the whole ordeal and all she can think about is the pure dread of seeing them.

After the whole incident, she was immediately taken to the Queen's place without as much as a word to them when she later woke up in that hospital bed. They tried to reach out to her to see if she was okay but she would only reply back in message to say she was fine.

No one had really asked her what had happened, nor pushed for the facts. But there was no way that they couldn't be curious. What exactly happened?

She was sure that Robin had reported to everyone else as to what had happened. However, she wasn't sure if she was ready to face everyone else yet.

Of course Dinah and Oliver had welcomed and embraced her with open arms, despite seeing her in such a feral state. But how were the rest of the team going to be?

She knew it wasn't her fault and she wasn't in control; at least that's what she keeps trying to convince herself. But how do you explain: Oh! Guess what? I'm okay, I only do that when I lose control over my emotions and my bijuu's dark side starts to take over. But it's all good!

Would they think that she's a monster? That she was a freak?

Akira groaned as she thunked her head on the pillar that supported the Zeta beam kiosk. She She's been lucky enough that they haven't had any missions since the incident, but one way or another she will have to face them eventually.

The only reason she was going was now was because: 1) Megan had invited the team to go to a Halloween dance. 2) Oliver and Dinah had insisted (force) that she go and see her friends and hang out with them, especially on Halloween. And 3) Batman had also called for her presence.

She obviously couldn't say no to going to the cave at that point. But on the other hand, what was Halloween?

Not to mention, how in the world was she going to face a certain birdie? They hadn't actually talked since the inside of the simulation (where everything right and wrong went down). The Mindscape doesn't really count as he was saving her from her own depression. So much had happened that they haven't really gotten the chance to actually talk it out. Not to mention the...

She slipped on her hood over her head to cover her flustered state. Starring at the face-shield, she debated whether or not to put it on; it would certainly help with keeping her emotions hidden from the others.

She has faced warlords, terrorist, yakuza and their leaders, assassins, serial killers, killer robots, super powered beings, and even some mighty beasts. So why is does the team scare her so badly.

Because they mean everything to me.

During her time away, she has been giving her life a deep thought. During that time, she was able to sort out some of her feelings, but she had come to a conclusion.

She attached the shield to her belt before typing in the coordinates.

Time to stop hiding.

Mount Justice; 19:34:

Wally howled as if he were a werwolf, which was his costume. He tried to get Wolf to join him, but to his displeasure, Wolf slept on.

"Really? You're not gonna join in at all?" Wally asked the white furred beast. But Wolf continued to sleep on. "What kind of wolf are you?"

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