Chapter 22: Origins

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Chapter 22: Origins

(A little boring, sorry.)

3rd POV:

Kitsu and Robin finally reached the main room to see it full of heroes. It was about midday on a weekend, so the majority of them were available. They were all talking to themselves, not noticing the two new incomers. The first to notice their presence was none other than the friendly Martian.

A huge smile appeared on her face. "You're awake!" She exclaimed as she glided over to them, catching everyone's attention. They seemed surprise to see her up and about. 

"I thought you told them I was up?" Kitsu whispered to Robin at the sight of their reaction.

Robin gave a mischievous grin. "I told them that we needed an emergency meeting in the mountain. Might have used Batman's communication line, but I thought it would have been funny to see their reaction."

Kitsu could returned the mischievous grin before Miss Martian tackled the girl into a hug and started spinning in midair. Much to the ninja's discomfort. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"M'ghann, as glad as I am to see you, please stop spinning," Kitsu wheezed from the tight embrace.

"Oops," the Martian said sheepishly. She sets the girl down gently and gave her a shy smile. "Hello Megan. Sorry."

"I am glad you have awaken my friend," Kaldur said as he and the rest of the team approached them. He held out his hand to shake to which she returned as the grasped each other's forearm.

"Good to be back," she said with a nod.

"Gave us quite the scare," Artemis said as she wrapped the girl in a hug. Kitsu hesitantly returned one. "And how could you hide the fact we had another lady in our ranks?! Could have really used the girl power." Artemis lightly hits Kitsu's arm, to which Kitsu gave a sheepish smile.

"Kitsu," Connor nodded at her to which she returned out of respect.

"Yeah, um... great to see you up and about and all, but how could you not tell us you're a chick?!" Wally interjected as he put a arm over Kitsu's shoulder.

"I'll answer all your questions in a bit, once you get off me. You're heavy," Kitsu said flatly as she struggled to stay standing from the extra weight. Still quite fatigued from earlier events.

"She's still recovering," Robin said as he pulled Kitsu away from his best friend and helped supported her. The team shared a suspicious look with one another. A mischievous grin growing on the girls' faces.

Kitsu looked around the room, looking for a certain crimson hero. "Is Red Arrow here?"

Robin gave her a regretful look. "Sorry, he's out on a mission."

Kitsu sighed, hoping to see one of her closest friends. "That's okay."

"Kitsu," Canary approached the team along with the rest of the older heroes. Placing a hand on her shoulder she gave her a smile. "Glad to see you are awake." But then her expression grew into a frown. "But should you be walking?"

Kitsu separated from the boy supporting her, giving him a look telling him that she was fine to assure his worried expression. Turning back to the heroine, she replied, "I will be fine. I don't want to be bedridden for too long. Five days is long enough."

"Well don't overdo it," Black Canary replied with a chuckle, relating too well to the circumstance. "I'm pretty sure whatever you did out there is what put you in this position."

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