Chapter 19: Darkness

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Chapter 19: Darkness (warning gore)

3rd POV:

Bodies littered the floor of the battle field, a scene Akira Uzamaki was all too familiar with.

Friends and families alike, all the faces that Akira had known.

Her breathing started to become shallower as she stared into each of their lifeless eyes and the endless pools of blood.

A hand wrapped around her ankle, catching her off guard. Whipping around she sees a blonde girl dressed in green stare at her with painful eyes as she is gasping to breathe.

"No no no," Akira panicked as she knelt down next to Artemis. She was used to seeing the people of Konoha in her nightmares, but this was a whole new level of terrifying.

"I-it's your fault I'm like this," Artemis gasped. Akira gripped her hand in terror. She watched helplessly as the archer's eyes turned dimmed.

"No!" She exclaimed as she shot back.

Crawling backwards, her hand lands on another object. She turns and gasps in horror in seeing Kaldur staring back at her with dead eyes, his throat slit open, cutting against his gills.

Akira quickly looked away to land on another dead body nearby, Wally's insides spewed all over the floor. M'ghann's body mangled in different directions. Connor mouth agape in mid horror with a blade protruding through the skull. Red Arrow facedown with his own arrows sticking out of his back.

Everywhere she looked, she saw a hero, friend, or teammate that somehow met the same gruesome end. Her eyes finally fallen on the boy who she has grown greatly closed to in this foreign world.

"Akira," he called out.

To her relief, he seemed perfectly fine as he stood in the middle of the carnage. But a shadowy figure stood behind him, readying to attack.

As fast as she could, she ran to reach him, hoping to get there before anything could happen to him. But it was like moving through molasses, slow and heavy. As soon as he was within arm's reach, a blade was run through his heart. The blade protruded out of his chest, making him yell out in agony.

"ROBIN!" She yelled in horror.

Catching him in her arms, she lowered the both of them to the ground. Robin gasped in pain. Akira tried to heal the wounds, but her hands would not light up the way they usually would when they were charged with chakra.

"Y-you doomed us all," he rasped, before he too fell limp in her grip. Before she could mourn for her fallen friend, a blade was soon stabbed through her chest as well. She gasped at the blade protruding through her chest, it dripping in her own crimson blood.

She turned to look at the attacker, only for her own blood to run cold. Violet eyes met violet eyes as they stared at her with distaste. She watched herself grin in sadistic pleasure as she violently ripped the blade out of her heart, making her gasp.

"Don't be so down," her evil self said. "It is your fault that they are dead," the doppelgänger said as she sadisticly licked the blade with her tongue in pleasure. "After all, in the end, it's always our fault that others get hurt."

The doppelgänger brought out the sword, one of the last gift from her parents, and the sword her mother had wielded. Positioning them by her neck to be used like scissors, the doppelgänger started laughing madly.

Just as the blades were swiping outwards, Akira bolted up. Interrupting the nightmare.

Coated with cold sweat, she threw off the cover and made a mad dash for the bathroom. Emptying her bile into the porcelain bowl, Akira slumped onto the wall opposite of the toilet as she gasped to catch her breath.

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