Chapter 23: Kurama

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Chapter 22: Kurama

3rd POV:

"There is something I must show you."

Everyone shared an apprehensive look. "Are you sure?" M'ghann asked warily. "I'm not sure if we can even enter you mind due to your strong mind barriers. Even then, everything you have in your mind will be on display."

Akira shook her head. "Those mind barriers is something I have put up on my own, I can easily take them down just enough to show you. And it won't be for long. Now that you know who I am, I don't really have any concaving secrets."

Everyone looked over to Batman, awaiting for his direction.

"What is it do you need to show us?" He asked unwaiverd.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Akira returning the same ambience.

Looking over at the young Martian, he gave her a nod.

"Pardon the intrusion," she apologized as she closed her eyes to concentrate.

Her eyes began to glow as she concentrated. The scene around them faded into a dark space of emptiness.

The heroes looked around as they assessed the environment.

"Not much in your brain, huh kiddo?" Hal teased the ninja.

"I am filtering what you can see right now," Akira replied unamused.

"To be able to have such control over your own mind is quite impressive," Manhunter complimented.

"It's something I had to learn," Akira said as she went to the front of the group. "I need my thoughts to myself at times too," she said as she held her hand out in front of her, leaving the heroes confused by her statement.

A huge Japanese gateway shimmered in front of her. Without hesitation, she walked through the gate, the shadows consuming her.

The heroes shared a wary look with each other, unsure if they should follow. Robin however didn't waste another moment as he too followed her, letting the shadows swallow him.

Soon, the others had followed her lead. They found themselves in another empty space, but it was different from the other as there seems to be water on the floor. Yet their feet never actually got wet, only making ripples to their movements.

Akira came to a stop, halting the other heroes in their step as well. "Where you at?" She called nonchalantly into the darkness.

Once again, the heroes shared an apprehensive look with one another, not knowing how to react to the situation. Robin decided to step in.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Akira motioned him to stay where he was and continued to look into the vast darkness. "Now you decide to play hide and seek? We haven't got all day you big furball. You're the one who wanted to bring them."

"She's definitely gone bonkers," Wally whispered to the team, earning another slap form the blonde.

Suddenly, the Martians gasped at the sudden new presence in her mind. An overwhelming force attacking their senses.

The other heroes were able to sense it as well, but not as overwhelming. Yet they still proceeded in caution as they braced themselves for what is to come.

"These are the so-called heroes that you allied yourself with?" A husky voice growled in unimpressed amusement. "Such puny beings. Pathetic."

The heroes whipped their head all around, but they could not find the source of origin. The gravely voice seemed to echo throughout the endless cavern.

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