Chapter 21: Anticipation

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Chapter 21: Anticipation
(Gore Warning. Also a bit boring, sorry.)

Watchtower: 22:19 EDT:

3rd POV:

"Get out of the way!" Canary called as she and Martian Manhunter, who was levitating Kitsu, tore through the hanger after they exited the Bioship.

Kitsu's conditions were near critical after the fight. With her conditions, it was too risky to try and take a zeta tube. They had immediately rushed to the Bioship and flew straight to the Watchtower with the protege's and some of the heroes; Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. The rest of the heroes had been carried back by Green Lantern to the nearest zeta location to get to the Watchtower before they had arrived to get the medbay ready. Batman had called someone on the way to rendezvous at headquarters.

The rest of the team were following close behind the two heroes as they tore down the halls of the Watchtower. This was the first time they have ever been to the Watchtower that was kept hidden from them, leading to the creation of the team. They would have been more excited under different circumstances. Right now, they just hoped their teammate would be alright.

Hearing the thundering steps of the desperate heroes, John Stewart turned around to find a mob of heroes running down the hall with a figure floating between them.

"Move!" Canary cried out to the confused hero.

John flattened himself to the wall to let them pass. As they passed by, he finally got a view of what was going on.

Kitsu, who was now no longer dawning her cloak, was being levitated as she was escorted to the infirmary. It was not just the reveal of her true gender that shocked, him, but the horrid state that she was in. She was paler than usual, blood dribbling from her mouth and wounds. Burns were haggard along her exposed arm.

Looking back at the hall they had just ran from, he could see the trail of blood that seemed to be leading all the way back to who knows where.

Turning around, he went back to the hall he just came from and flew after the group.

Flying next to the Martian, he asked in worry, "What happened?!"

"Kitsu was injured during the bout, she's losing too much blood," Martian Manhunter rapidly replied.

Finally arriving at the med-bay, they could see the heroes all gathered outside of the doors. They quickly made room for the two heroes and Kitsu to enter. The protege's went to go follow, but was stopped by Batman.

"You have to wait out here," Batman stated to the team.

"WHAT?!" They protested.

"You can't do this! That's our teammate! Our friend!" Robin argued with his mentor. He was furious, worried, and desperate. He felt so useless. Kitsu had risked everything to protect the team. He couldn't help but watch helplessly when Kitsu faced-off the InJustice League on her own when the team had become vulnerable. If he had been stronger, maybe he could have prevented her from entering a situation like this.

"Let us through!" Kid Flash yelled. He hadn't really ever had a good relationship with Kitsu after their first encounter. He had to admit, he was being unfair to her as he didn't like the fact that they knew next to nothing about her. Besides their rough past, he was still very much concern for the girl to be alright. And now he knew she was a girl too, bonus to that.

"We will go through that door," Artemis demanded. She and Kitsu weren't as close as she was to Robin or M'ghann. But after Kitsu had stood up for the team for her when she first started out, she couldn't help but be feel admiration for her besides in her skills. Time and time again, she had proven to always put herself for the team even when she is not there.

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