Chapter 34: Gala

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Chapter 34: Gala
(I got lazy with the drawing rip lol)

Queen's Estate, Star City; 16:38 EST:


The air rushed out of his lungs as he was judo flipped to the floor. "Geez, you aren't holding back," he coughed as he got back onto his feet.

Akira sighed and walked to where their towels and water bottles were and slipped onto the bench. "Sorry," she apologized as she grabbed a sip of her water. But it was clear that her mind wasn't present at the moment.

Picking up on this, Roy rolled up to his feet before taking a seat next to her on the bench. He picked up a towel and wiped the sweat off of his face. "What's up with you today?" He asked concernedly as he grabbed for his own water bottle. "You've been out of it the whole time we've been hanging out today."

They were currently at the Queen's estate in preparation for tonight's event. Roy decided to come over early to hang out with his little sis before hand and decided to get a bit of training in. Deciding to spar, the two had been going at it for an hour, the wins in Akira's favor.

"It's nothing," she huffed as she grabbed her own towel to wipe her own face.

"It's something," the redhead took a swig from his bottle. "Something's obviously on your mind."

She thought back to last week. The memory of her and Robin's fight was still fresh. They haven't spoken since then. She tried going to the mountain to see if they could talk it out, but he hasn't showed up there either; something about Gotham having an influx of criminal activity lately. He hasn't been to a single team training session since then.

"Do you think I'm arrogant?" Akira asked hesitantly. The overwhelming sense of insecurity flooded her state of being.

"Arrogant?" Roy questions with a raised brow. "Maybe blunt, but not arrogant. Where's this coming from?"

Akira's fingers fiddled with bracelet around her wrist as her eyes seemed to become more distant. "I think Robin and I had a fight," she answered unsurely.

The bottle in Roy's hand suddenly sprayed out all of its contents as he whipped his head to the girl with wide eyes. "What?" Something flashing in his eyes.

Not noticing (or bothering), she continued. "I don't know what happened. Before we went off on our mission, he didn't even look at me. Then after the mission, he kinda just exploded?" She said uncertainly, unsure even for herself how to answer. "I don't know."

"How so?" Roy asked, a calculating look formed in his eyes as anger began to build inside of him.

"I tried to talk to him to see if anything was wrong. But he just started going on about how I have all this power and how he'll never be at the same level. And because of that, he'll be seen as nothing but a sidekick while 'I get to be a real hero'. I thought we had talked about this before, but it's like he completely forgotten about it and is fueled with a new type of anger." She sighed in frustration as she let her hair down from the ponytail and ran her fingers through it. "I just don't get it."

Roy ingested what she had said, his anger slightly subsiding only to be replaced with frustration of understanding as he let out a sigh. "He just feels... inferior," he informed her.

"Of what? My powers? The mission? Of what? I didn't ask to be jinchuriki and my abilities are as natural as walking from where I come from. And I'm only following orders," she puffed her cheek.

Sighing, he got up and knelt in front of her, making sure that they could see eye to eye. Their height difference being emphasized in comparison. "You have to understand, to us, you're so... different. Not necessarily in a bad way," he caught himself as a flash of hurt passed through her features. "But you've been on your own and done all these crazy things. You've been on countless missions, fought in a war, basically have your own city to protect, not to mention the crazy variety of skills you have," he grudgingly says, not liking to admit she was far more advanced than he was.

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