Side story: Typical

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Why you don't mention her height. This takes place a bit before she met the team. The storyline will come back next week!

Watchtower: 20:00 EDT:

Kitsu's POV:

I arrived at the Watchtower after my patrol and am greeted by a certain glowstick. Here we go again.

"Hey shortstacks! What's up?" Green Lantern (the annoying one)  floated towards me.

Ignoring him, I walk around him and continue towards the infirmary.

"What? No hello or what's up, Shortie?" He says as he floats alongside me.

Growing irritated, I replied monotonously. "Please do not derogitize my height," I asked. "I have let it go the last few times out of respect and formalities, however I will not tolerate such play for much longer."

"Aww," he cooed as he blocked my path once again. "You are just so cute when you get mad little munchkin."

I can feel a vein pulse on my forehead. Having enough of his antics, I quickly flicker behind him. Before he is aware of what was going on, I coat my fingertips with Chakra. Hitting certain pressure points, Green Lantern looses his balance and falls to the ground. He lands with a smack face first.

"OW! Not again!" He tries to move, but his limbs around. "What the-what did you do this time?!" He yells as I exit out of the hall.

Not bothering to turn around, I replied, "I asked politely to refrain any comments about my height, now deal with having your nervous system redirected."

"Wait! You can't just leave me like this! Kitsu! KITSU!" He calls, but I am already too far now to really care. I asked politely, now you deal with my wraith.

Nearing the infirmary, I mentally prepare for interactions I have to deal with.

Entering the infirmary, I am already greeted by a few heroes: Flash, the other Green Lantern, Black Canary and Green Arrow.

I let out an annoyed breath of air as they all looked at me sheepishly. "I'll take the most serious one right now. The rest wait outside unless you are also dying."They look at each other and they all left except for Green Lantern.

Gesturing the bed close to me, he takes a seat upon it as I set my bag near the desk and turn on my hologlove. Before I can even try to sense for the injury, he began to speak.

"Let's see how well you can figure it out," he tested, giving me a challenging smirk before he winced. I rolled my eyes at his nature, this is such a drag.

Sending out a wave of chakra, I could feel the the flow being clouded near his head and his left shoulder.

"Concussion and bruised shoulder blade," I replied unbothered as I went over to the cabinet and pulled out one of the many jars of bruising cream that I have prepped. "Lay down and close your eyes," I told him as I turned around and came back to the table.

"Man, you really don't miss anything," he chuckled as he played down with a grunt. "How you do that?"

Not replying to his answer, I shut off the lights to cause less irritation to his eyes from the sensitivity to brightness. "I'm going to heal the concussed area now. Remain still and try to keep your eyes shut so you don't get a headache from the glow."

"Alright doc," he chuckled again.

I could only sigh annoyedly as I began to heal his head. It's like none of them take me seriously. Every time I interact with them, they still treat me like a child. I am a fucking ninja and medic for kami's sake.

Next Gen: Young Justice x Naruto OCWhere stories live. Discover now