Chapter 14: Bell Test

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(I'm just going to give up writing dates unless it's important. I don't like how all the dates jump around. BTW, you are going to see a lot of parallels to Naruto in this chapter.)

Chapter 14: Bell Test

Watchtower: 19:19 EDT:

3rd POV:

"-tsu? Kitsu?" Kitsu snapped her attention to Dinah. She looks down at the hero's arm that she was wrapping and realized that she had over wrapped it.

"Sorry," Kitsu apologized as she began to unravel some of the gauze.

The majority of the League was in the infirmary due to another crisis they had to face. This was the third time today that she wasn't paying attention to her work today. She overhealed John Stewart and was a bit rough on bandaging Shayera and kept accidentally zoning out of the Leaguers conversation.

"Something on your mind?" Dinah asked, catching the Leaguer's attention.

"I apologize," Kitsu bowed her head. "Some of the after effects are still lingering in my system. I also have a lot on my mind."

"The soldier pills, right?" John Stewart (Green Lantern) asked.

Kitsu nodded her head in confirmation. After the mission, Kitsu had a fever and was bedridden for two days. When she reported back, the team had already debriefed Batman of the mission. Meaning, he knew of the pills.

She had to do everything she can to make sure that he did not get his hand on a pill to inspect. The last thing she needs is for the League of the team to start taking these pills in desperate situations, they did not have their bodies trained for the backlash.

"I was enrolled in the army before I became Green Lantern, but I have never heard of such things before," he points out.

"Probably never have or ever will," Kitsu said as she sniped off the excess gauze.

"Why is that?"

"You can only find in my homeland, and I pray no one ever has to use it," Kitsu answers.

"Why is it called a soldier pill?" Hawkman asked.

"It's like it is called. When soldiers go out to battle, they might be stuck going days without access to food or water. It's easy to carry around and could sustain you for days at a time."

This caught Canary's attention. "Kitsu, were you a soldier?"

Kitsu stopped in her tracks. Images of the battlefield flashed through her mind. The blood, the bodies. Comrades. Children. Friends. Family. Her parents. Her parent's death flashing in her mind again.

It wasn't until someone had touched her shoulder she was able to snap out of her flashbacks.

"Hey, we lost you there for a moment," Dinah said. Kitsu looked around to see all the Leaguers staring at her worriedly. Kitsu recomposed herself before she looked back at Dinah.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." Kitsu then went to put away the supplies.

All the Leaguers shared a look. This was the first real sign of any information they have gotten of Kitsu's past. They had not expected the child to have any sort of affiliation with being a bloodshed.

"So you were a soldier," Stewart confirmed.

Kitsu hesitated in her movements before she continued her task. "Not exactly."

"Did you fight in a war?" Oliver asked, the concern growing more evident.

Kitsu slammed down the items she had in hand and gripped the ledge of the counter, startling the Leaguers. "This is something I will not discuss with you," she said bitterly.

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