Chapter 7 [THE GIFT BOX]

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When I entered into Sir Barnie's compound, I parked my car and sat inside. I needed to clear my head for a minute before I go in. I know that he'll want to talk about what happened very soon and  I'll definitely have to open up. I gathered enough strength and got out of the car.

I was intrigued by the fountain that was infront of the two story mansion. I stood there and just looked at it. My eyes travelled on the sculpture, from the tail of the mermaid to it's perfectly sculpted curves, on to the beautiful face all the way to the man's sculpted body to where all the water outlets were. It was such an amazing fountain and whoever did it must have been an extremely talented person.

"Beautiful right?" I heard the voice of a woman saying. I looked at the direction of where the voice was coming from only to come face to face with the one and only Natalie Wilson. The wife of Sir Barnie. I smiled and approached her. She hugged me tightly. It had been so long since I last saw her and she hasn't aged a day. She was wearing a long black monochrome pleated skirt with a peach short sleeveless top which she paired up with peach red bottom heels. She looked spectacular.

"Mrs Wilson, it's so good to see you. It's been so long since the last time we met." I said while holding her hands after pulling away from the long warm hug.

"Oh! Nonsense dear, call me Natalie, enough with the formalities." She said with a wide smile on her face. "Come on , let's go in and take a cup of coffee." She said and I  walked hand in hand with her. She opened the door for me and I walked in to the magnificent living room. My eyes cought the white leather seven seater couch with gold and grey throw pillows. There was a round coffee table that was decorated with a golden leather decor and a brown marble glass was on top of it. It was really beautiful. There was a very big gold chandelier hanging low from the ceiling. The wall were plain white but they were decorated with paintings all over.

There were two seats that looked like they were only meant for the King and the queen, they were white with gold crown like decorations on the arm and slightly above the head position. This woman had done an amazing job with the decorations.

She came from the kitchen with two coffee cups. I took the cup and she sat down facing me. I thanked her for the coffee. She was about to say something when suddenly the door bell rang. She excused herself and went to get the door. When she came back from the living room, she was carrying a gift box. On top of the box, there was a card, she took the card and read it. She then looked at me and walked to my direction. "It's for you my dear" she said as she handed me the gift box and the card. I was surprised to receive a gift.

It was very unusual besides how did the sender of the gift know where I was? I thought to myself. I opened the red bow that was on the box. I then opened the box. There was a white paper on it. I took it out and dropped it on the ground eager to see what was in the box. When I looked in the box there was a so many broken mirror pieces. That wasn't the thing that scared me, there was a red substance all over the mirror which I assumed was blood. I dropped the box and picked up the paper that I had thrown on the floor. It had been written on.

Dear Crystal Danford,
I hope you like the surprise gift that I brought to you. I have so much more coming your way, I hope you understand my message.


I dropped the paper, I could already tell that it's either Xavier who sent it or it was Veronica. Natalie came and embraced me after she saw the contents in the box. I was In shock. I had already been emotionally damaged and I didn't want to add more salt to the injury. This was only a threat and I wasn't going to let it affect me. I pulled away from her and went into the kitchen to get some water. She called the guards in order to question them on who dropped the box but they said that they didn't see anyone. The guards took the box away and I saw Sir Barnie coming in through the front door. His wife explained everything to him and he said that he'll investigate and see who was behind it.

Sir Barnie told me to follow him up to his office since he had a very important issue he needed to discuss with me. When we got to his office, he gestured for me to take a seat and I did. "I have seen on the newspaper that Xavier went for an interview to make public your divorce, he had some very disturbing things that he had to say about you. He labeled very serious allegations. You can take a look at it on the newspapers." He said as he pushed the papers closer to me. I picked up the newspaper and I was on the headlines. I wasn't even surprised. His accusations sounded very silly to me. He had stated that I was having an affair with one of his employee who worked in the accounts department in his company. He added that I was using the man to launder money to a private account. I got bored of reading it so I place the paper on his desk.

"Well that's not the only info I had for you. Yesterday I met with your father's private lawyer, he has some papers that he wants you to sign. Your parents before the they died, they were actually on their way to change the Will they had written a few years back. You know that the Will stated that after two years of being married, all their inheritance would go to your husband, but since they saw through Xavier's pretence, they decided to change the Will but that didn't happen since they were involved in a terrible car accident and died on the spot. But, Your great-grandparents had written their own will too which stated that their wealth should go to their great-grandchild when he or she reaches the age of Twenty five. So I know that you turned twenty five two months ago. Just to brief you, your great grandparents were very rich. Another thing before I forget, your parents left their house in your name, it's like they knew that this was going to happen. So tomorrow, the lawyer will come and he'll tell you everything"

He finished and I was dumbfounded. My parents had left their house in my name, so I wasn't homeless after all. And my great-grandparents had left all their wealth in my name. This was really shocking. I excused myself from his office and went into my room to digest the new found information.

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